
const testSignerOneName

const testSignerTwoName

const aliveSignersKey

const deadSignersKey

const noSignerKey

var _

func expectedRegexFromPEMs(certPEMs ...string) []string {}

func podForCTBProjection(projectionSources ...v1.VolumeProjection) *v1.Pod {}

// mustInitCTBs creates a testSet of ClusterTrustBundles and spreads them into several
// categories based on their signer name and labels.
// It returns a cleanup function for all the ClusterTrustBundle objects it created.
// It also returns a map of sets of PEMs like so:
//	{
//	  "test.test/signer-one": <set of all PEMs that are owned by test.test/signer-one>,
//	  "test.test/signer-two": <set of all PEMs that are owned by test.test/signer-two>,
//	  "signer.alive=true": <set of all PEMs whose CTBs contain `signer.alive: true` labels>,
//	  "signer.alive=false": <set of all PEMs whose CTBs contain `signer.alive: false` labels>,
//	  "no-signer": <set of all PEMs that appear in CTBs with no specific signers>,
//	}
func initCTBData() ([]*certificatesv1alpha1.ClusterTrustBundle, map[string]sets.Set[string]) {}

func ctbForCA(ctbName, signerName, caPEM string, labels map[string]string) *certificatesv1alpha1.ClusterTrustBundle {}

func mustInitCTBs(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, ctbs []*certificatesv1alpha1.ClusterTrustBundle) func(context.Context) {}

func mustCreateCTB(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, ctb *certificatesv1alpha1.ClusterTrustBundle) func(context.Context) {}

func mustMakeCAPEM(cn string) string {}

func mustMakeCertificate(template *x509.Certificate) []byte {}

func mustMakePEMBlock(blockType string, headers map[string]string, data []byte) string {}

// getFileModeRegex returns a file mode related regex which should be matched by the mounttest pods' output.
// If the given mask is nil, then the regex will contain the default OS file modes, which are 0644 for Linux and 0775 for Windows.
func getFileModeRegex(filePath string, mask *int32) string {}

func ctbsToPEMs(ctbs []*certificatesv1alpha1.ClusterTrustBundle) []string {}