
const titleUp

const titleDown

const titleAverageUtilization

const titleAverageValue

const valueMetricType

const utilizationMetricType

const cpuResource

const memResource

var _

var _

type HPAScaleTest

// run is a method which runs an HPA lifecycle, from a starting state, to an expected
// The initial state is defined by the initPods parameter.
// The first state change is due to the CPU being consumed initially, which HPA responds to by changing pod counts.
// The second state change (optional) is due to the CPU burst parameter, which HPA again responds to.
// TODO The use of 3 states is arbitrary, we could eventually make this test handle "n" states once this test stabilizes.
func (st *HPAScaleTest) run(ctx context.Context, name string, kind schema.GroupVersionKind, f *framework.Framework) {}

func scaleUp(ctx context.Context, name string, kind schema.GroupVersionKind, resourceType v1.ResourceName, metricTargetType autoscalingv2.MetricTargetType, checkStability bool, f *framework.Framework) {}

func scaleDown(ctx context.Context, name string, kind schema.GroupVersionKind, resourceType v1.ResourceName, metricTargetType autoscalingv2.MetricTargetType, checkStability bool, f *framework.Framework) {}

type HPAContainerResourceScaleTest

func (st *HPAContainerResourceScaleTest) run(ctx context.Context, name string, kind schema.GroupVersionKind, f *framework.Framework) {}

func scaleUpContainerResource(ctx context.Context, name string, kind schema.GroupVersionKind, resourceType v1.ResourceName, metricTargetType autoscalingv2.MetricTargetType, f *framework.Framework) {}

func scaleOnIdleSideCar(ctx context.Context, name string, kind schema.GroupVersionKind, resourceType v1.ResourceName, metricTargetType autoscalingv2.MetricTargetType, checkStability bool, f *framework.Framework) {}

func doNotScaleOnBusySidecar(ctx context.Context, name string, kind schema.GroupVersionKind, resourceType v1.ResourceName, metricTargetType autoscalingv2.MetricTargetType, checkStability bool, f *framework.Framework) {}

func getTargetValueByType(averageValueTarget, averageUtilizationTarget int, targetType autoscalingv2.MetricTargetType) int32 {}