
const NodePrepareResourcesMethod

const NodeUnprepareResourcesMethod

type Nodes

type Resources

var pluginPermissions

// NewNodes selects nodes to run the test on.
// Call this outside of ginkgo.It, then use the instance inside ginkgo.It.
func NewNodes(f *framework.Framework, minNodes, maxNodes int) *Nodes {}

// NewNodesNow is a variant of NewNodes which can be used inside a ginkgo.It.
func NewNodesNow(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, minNodes, maxNodes int) *Nodes {}

func (nodes *Nodes) init(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, minNodes, maxNodes int) {}

func validateClaim(claim *resourceapi.ResourceClaim) {}

// NewDriver sets up controller (as client of the cluster) and
// kubelet plugin (via proxy) before the test runs. It cleans
// up after the test.
// Call this outside of ginkgo.It, then use the instance inside ginkgo.It.
func NewDriver(f *framework.Framework, nodes *Nodes, configureResources func() Resources, devicesPerNode ...map[string]map[resourceapi.QualifiedName]resourceapi.DeviceAttribute) *Driver {}

// NewDriverInstance is a variant of NewDriver where the driver is inactive and must
// be started explicitly with Run. May be used inside ginkgo.It.
func NewDriverInstance(f *framework.Framework) *Driver {}

func (d *Driver) Run(nodes *Nodes, configureResources func() Resources, devicesPerNode ...map[string]map[resourceapi.QualifiedName]resourceapi.DeviceAttribute) {}

type MethodInstance

type Driver

type KubeletPlugin

func (d *Driver) initName() {}

func (d *Driver) SetUp(nodes *Nodes, resources Resources, devicesPerNode ...map[string]map[resourceapi.QualifiedName]resourceapi.DeviceAttribute) {}

func (d *Driver) impersonateKubeletPlugin(pod *v1.Pod) kubernetes.Interface {}

func (d *Driver) createFile(pod *v1.Pod, name string, content []byte) error {}

func (d *Driver) removeFile(pod *v1.Pod, name string) error {}

func (d *Driver) createFromYAML(ctx context.Context, content []byte, namespace string) {}

func (d *Driver) podIO(pod *v1.Pod) proxy.PodDirIO {}

func listen(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, podName, containerName string, port int) net.Listener {}

func (d *Driver) TearDown() {}

func (d *Driver) IsGone(ctx context.Context) {}

func (d *Driver) interceptor(nodename string, ctx context.Context, req interface{}

func (d *Driver) streamInterceptor(nodename string, srv interface{}

func (d *Driver) Fail(m MethodInstance, injectError bool) {}

func (d *Driver) CallCount(m MethodInstance) int64 {}

func (d *Driver) Nodenames() (nodenames []string) {}