
const podStartTimeout

var adminAccessPolicyYAML

// networkResources can be passed to NewDriver directly.
func networkResources() Resources {}

// perNode returns a function which can be passed to NewDriver. The nodes
// parameter has be instantiated, but not initialized yet, so the returned
// function has to capture it and use it when being called.
func perNode(maxAllocations int, nodes *Nodes) func() Resources {}

var _

type builder

// className returns the default device class name.
func (b *builder) className() string {}

// class returns the device class that the builder's other objects
// reference.
func (b *builder) class() *resourceapi.DeviceClass {}

// externalClaim returns external resource claim
// that test pods can reference
func (b *builder) externalClaim() *resourceapi.ResourceClaim {}

// claimSpec returns the device request for a claim or claim template
// with the associated config
func (b *builder) claimSpec() resourceapi.ResourceClaimSpec {}

// parametersEnv returns the default user env variables as JSON (config) and key/value list (pod env).
func (b *builder) parametersEnv() (string, []string) {}

// makePod returns a simple pod with no resource claims.
// The pod prints its env and waits.
func (b *builder) pod() *v1.Pod {}

// makePodInline adds an inline resource claim with default class name and parameters.
func (b *builder) podInline() (*v1.Pod, *resourceapi.ResourceClaimTemplate) {}

// podInlineMultiple returns a pod with inline resource claim referenced by 3 containers
func (b *builder) podInlineMultiple() (*v1.Pod, *resourceapi.ResourceClaimTemplate) {}

// podExternal adds a pod that references external resource claim with default class name and parameters.
func (b *builder) podExternal() *v1.Pod {}

// podShared returns a pod with 3 containers that reference external resource claim with default class name and parameters.
func (b *builder) podExternalMultiple() *v1.Pod {}

// create takes a bunch of objects and calls their Create function.
func (b *builder) create(ctx context.Context, objs ...klog.KMetadata) []klog.KMetadata {}

// testPod runs pod and checks if container logs contain expected environment variables
func (b *builder) testPod(ctx context.Context, clientSet kubernetes.Interface, pod *v1.Pod, env ...string) {}

var envLineRE

func testContainerEnv(ctx context.Context, clientSet kubernetes.Interface, pod *v1.Pod, containerName string, fullMatch bool, env ...string) {}

func newBuilder(f *framework.Framework, driver *Driver) *builder {}

func newBuilderNow(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, driver *Driver) *builder {}

func (b *builder) setUp(ctx context.Context) {}

func (b *builder) tearDown(ctx context.Context) {}

func (b *builder) listTestPods(ctx context.Context) ([]v1.Pod, error) {}