
// TestGinkgoOutput runs the current suite and verifies that the generated
// JUnit file matches the expected result.
// The Ginkgo output on the console (aka the test suite log) does not get
// checked. It is usually less important for the CI and more relevant when
// using test suite interactively. To see what that Ginkgo output looks like,
// run tests with "go test -v".
func TestGinkgoOutput(t *testing.T, expected TestResult, runSpecsArgs ...interface{}

type TestResult

func simplify(in string, expected TestResult) string {}

var timePrefix

var elapsedSuffix

var afterSuffix

var timeSuffix

func stripTimes(in string) string {}

var instanceAddr

func stripAddresses(in string) string {}

var stackLocation

var functionArgs

var klogPrefix

var testFailureOutput

// normalizeLocation removes path prefix and function parameters and certain stack entries
// that we don't care about.
func normalizeLocation(in string) string {}

var initFunc

// normalizeInitFunctions maps both init.func (used by Go >= 1.22) and
// glob..func (used by Go < 1.22) to <init.func>.
func normalizeInitFunctions(in string) string {}