
const updateDemoSelector

const guestbookStartupTimeout

const guestbookResponseTimeout

const simplePodSelector

const simplePodName

const simplePodResourceName

const httpdDefaultOutput

const simplePodPort

const pausePodSelector

const pausePodName

const busyboxPodSelector

const busyboxPodName

const kubeCtlManifestPath

const agnhostControllerFilename

const agnhostServiceFilename

const httpdDeployment1Filename

const httpdDeployment2Filename

const httpdDeployment3Filename

const metaPattern

func unknownFieldMetadataJSON(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, name string) string {}

var podRunningTimeoutArg

var proxyRegexp

var schemaFoo

var schemaFooEmbedded

// Stops everything from filePath from namespace ns and checks if everything matching selectors from the given namespace is correctly stopped.
// Aware of the kubectl example files map.
func cleanupKubectlInputs(fileContents string, ns string, selectors ...string) {}

// assertCleanup asserts that cleanup of a namespace wrt selectors occurred.
func assertCleanup(ns string, selectors ...string) {}

func readTestFileOrDie(file string) []byte {}

func runKubectlRetryOrDie(ns string, args ...string) string {}

var _

func getTestContextHost() string {}

// Checks whether the output split by line contains the required elements.
func checkOutputReturnError(output string, required [][]string) error {}

func checkOutput(output string, required [][]string) {}

func checkKubectlOutputWithRetry(namespace string, required [][]string, args ...string) {}

func checkContainersImage(containers []v1.Container, expectImage string) bool {}

func getAPIVersions(apiEndpoint string) (*metav1.APIVersions, error) {}

func startProxyServer(ns string) (int, *exec.Cmd, error) {}

func curlUnix(url string, path string) (string, error) {}

func curlTransport(url string, transport *http.Transport) (string, error) {}

func curl(url string) (string, error) {}

func validateGuestbookApp(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string) {}

// Returns whether received expected response from guestbook on time.
func waitForGuestbookResponse(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, cmd, arg, expectedResponse string, timeout time.Duration, ns string) bool {}

func makeRequestToGuestbook(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, cmd, value string, ns string) (string, error) {}

type updateDemoData

const applyTestLabel

func readReplicationControllerFromString(contents string) *v1.ReplicationController {}

func modifyReplicationControllerConfiguration(contents string) io.Reader {}

func forEachReplicationController(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns, selectorKey, selectorValue string, fn func(v1.ReplicationController)) {}

func validateReplicationControllerConfiguration(rc v1.ReplicationController) {}

// getUDData creates a validator function based on the input string (i.e. kitten.jpg).
// For example, if you send "kitten.jpg", this function verifies that the image jpg = kitten.jpg
// in the container's json field.
func getUDData(jpgExpected string, ns string) func(context.Context, clientset.Interface, string) error {}

// newBlockingReader returns a reader that allows reading the given string,
// then blocks until Close() is called on the returned closer.
// We're explicitly returning the reader and closer separately, because
// the closer needs to be the *os.File we get from os.Pipe(). This is required
// so the exec of kubectl can pass the underlying file descriptor to the exec
// syscall, instead of creating another os.Pipe and blocking on the io.Copy
// between the source (e.g. stdin) and the write half of the pipe.
func newBlockingReader(s string) (io.Reader, io.Closer, error) {}

// createApplyCustomResource asserts that given CustomResource be created and applied
// without being rejected by kubectl validation
func createApplyCustomResource(resource, namespace, name string, crd *crd.TestCrd) error {}

// trimDockerRegistry is the function for trimming the docker.io/library from the beginning of the imagename.
// If community docker installed it will not prefix the registry names with the dockerimages vs registry names prefixed with other runtimes or docker installed via RHEL extra repo.
// So this function will help to trim the docker.io/library if exists
func trimDockerRegistry(imagename string) string {}

type validatorFn

// validateController is a generic mechanism for testing RC's that are running.
// It takes a container name, a test name, and a validator function which is plugged in by a specific test.
// "containername": this is grepped for.
// "containerImage" : this is the name of the image we expect to be launched.  Not to confuse w/ images (kitten.jpg)  which are validated.
// "testname":  which gets bubbled up to the logging/failure messages if errors happen.
// "validator" function: This function is given a podID and a client, and it can do some specific validations that way.
func validateController(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, containerImage string, replicas int, containername string, testname string, validator validatorFn, ns string) {}

// mustListObjectsInNamespace queries all the objects we use for testing in the given namespace.
// Currently this is just ConfigMaps.
// We filter our "system" configmaps, like "kube-root-ca.crt".
func mustListObjectsInNamespace(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string) []runtime.Object {}

// mustGetNames returns a slice containing the metadata.name for each object.
func mustGetNames(objects []runtime.Object) []string {}