
var newLineRegexp

type dnsTestCommon

func newDNSTestCommon() dnsTestCommon {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) init(ctx context.Context) {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) checkDNSRecordFrom(name string, predicate func([]string) bool, target string, timeout time.Duration) {}

// runDig queries for `dnsName`. Returns a list of responses.
func (t *dnsTestCommon) runDig(dnsName, target string) []string {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) setConfigMap(ctx context.Context, cm *v1.ConfigMap) {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) fetchDNSConfigMapData(ctx context.Context) map[string]string {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) restoreDNSConfigMap(ctx context.Context, configMapData map[string]string) {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) createUtilPodLabel(ctx context.Context, baseName string) {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) deleteUtilPod(ctx context.Context) {}

// deleteCoreDNSPods manually deletes the CoreDNS pods to apply the changes to the ConfigMap.
func (t *dnsTestCommon) deleteCoreDNSPods(ctx context.Context) {}

func generateCoreDNSServerPod(corednsConfig *v1.ConfigMap) *v1.Pod {}

func generateCoreDNSConfigmap(namespaceName string, aRecords map[string]string) *v1.ConfigMap {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) createDNSPodFromObj(ctx context.Context, pod *v1.Pod) {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) createDNSServer(ctx context.Context, namespace string, aRecords map[string]string) {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) createDNSServerWithPtrRecord(ctx context.Context, namespace string, isIPv6 bool) {}

func (t *dnsTestCommon) deleteDNSServerPod(ctx context.Context) {}

type dnsQuerier

func createDNSPod(namespace string, probers []dnsQuerier, podHostName, serviceName string) *v1.Pod {}

func createProbeCommand(namesToResolve []string, hostEntries []string, ptrLookupIP string, fileNamePrefix, namespace, dnsDomain string, isIPv6 bool) (string, []string) {}

// createTargetedProbeCommand returns a command line that performs a DNS lookup for a specific record type
func createTargetedProbeCommand(nameToResolve string, lookup string, fileNamePrefix string) (string, string) {}

func assertFilesExist(ctx context.Context, fileNames []string, fileDir string, pod *v1.Pod, client clientset.Interface) {}

func assertFilesContain(ctx context.Context, fileNames []string, fileDir string, pod *v1.Pod, client clientset.Interface, check bool, expected string) {}

func validateDNSResults(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, pod *v1.Pod, fileNames []string) {}

func validateTargetedProbeOutput(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, pod *v1.Pod, fileNames []string, value string) {}