
const proxyAttempts

const maxDisplayBodyLen

const proxyHTTPCallTimeout

const requestRetryPeriod

const requestRetryTimeout

type jsonResponse

var _

func validateRedirectRequest(client *http.Client, redirectVerb string, urlString string) {}

// validateProxyVerbRequest checks that a http request to a pod
// or service was valid for any http verb. Requires agnhost image
// with porter --json-response
func validateProxyVerbRequest(client *http.Client, urlString string, httpVerb string, msg string) func() (bool, error) {}

func doProxy(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, path string, i int) (body []byte, statusCode int, d time.Duration, err error) {}

func truncate(b []byte, maxLen int) []byte {}

func nodeProxyTest(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, prefix, nodeDest string) {}

// waitForEndpoint waits for the specified endpoint to be ready.
func waitForEndpoint(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns, name string) error {}