
const defaultServeHostnameServicePort

const defaultServeHostnameServiceName

const AffinityTimeout

const AffinityConfirmCount

const SessionAffinityTimeout

const kubeProxyLabelName

const clusterAddonLabelKey

const kubeAPIServerLabelName

const clusterComponentKey

const svcReadyTimeout

var defaultServeHostnameService

type portsByPodName

type portsByPodUID

type fullPortsByPodName

type fullPortsByPodUID

// affinityCheckFromPod returns interval, timeout and function pinging the service and
// returning pinged hosts for pinging the service from execPod.
func affinityCheckFromPod(execPod *v1.Pod, serviceIP string, servicePort int) (time.Duration, time.Duration, func() []string) {}

// affinityCheckFromTest returns interval, timeout and function pinging the service and
// returning pinged hosts for pinging the service from the test itself.
func affinityCheckFromTest(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, serviceIP string, servicePort int) (time.Duration, time.Duration, func() []string) {}

// CheckAffinity function tests whether the service affinity works as expected.
// If affinity is expected, the test will return true once affinityConfirmCount
// number of same response observed in a row. If affinity is not expected, the
// test will keep observe until different responses observed. The function will
// return false only in case of unexpected errors.
func checkAffinity(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, execPod *v1.Pod, serviceIP string, servicePort int, shouldHold bool) bool {}

type affinityTracker

// Record the response going to a given host.
func (at *affinityTracker) recordHost(host string) {}

// Check that we got a constant count requests going to the same host.
func (at *affinityTracker) checkHostTrace(count int) (fulfilled, affinityHolds bool) {}

func checkAffinityFailed(tracker affinityTracker, err string) {}

// StartServeHostnameService creates a replication controller that serves its
// hostname and a service on top of it.
func StartServeHostnameService(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, svc *v1.Service, ns string, replicas int) ([]string, string, error) {}

// StopServeHostnameService stops the given service.
func StopServeHostnameService(ctx context.Context, clientset clientset.Interface, ns, name string) error {}

// verifyServeHostnameServiceUp wgets the given serviceIP:servicePort from the
// host exec pod of host network type and from the exec pod of container network type.
// Each pod in the service is expected to echo its name. These names are compared with the
// given expectedPods list after a sort | uniq.
func verifyServeHostnameServiceUp(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string, expectedPods []string, serviceIP string, servicePort int) error {}

// verifyServeHostnameServiceDown verifies that the given service isn't served.
func verifyServeHostnameServiceDown(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string, serviceIP string, servicePort int) error {}

// testNotReachableHTTP tests that a HTTP request doesn't connect to the given host and port.
func testNotReachableHTTP(ctx context.Context, host string, port int, timeout time.Duration) {}

type UDPPokeParams

type UDPPokeResult

type UDPPokeStatus

const UDPSuccess

const UDPError

const UDPTimeout

const UDPRefused

const UDPBadResponse

// PokeUDP tries to connect to a host on a port and send the given request. Callers
// can specify additional success parameters, if desired.
// The result status will be characterized as precisely as possible, given the
// known users of this.
// The result error will be populated for any status other than Success.
// The result response will be populated if the UDP transaction was completed, even
// if the other test params make this a failure).
func PokeUDP(host string, port int, request string, params *UDPPokeParams) UDPPokeResult {}

// testReachableUDP tests that the given host serves UDP on the given port.
func testReachableUDP(ctx context.Context, host string, port int, timeout time.Duration) {}

// testNotReachableUDP tests that the given host doesn't serve UDP on the given port.
func testNotReachableUDP(ctx context.Context, host string, port int, timeout time.Duration) {}

// TestHTTPHealthCheckNodePort tests a HTTP connection by the given request to the given host and port.
func TestHTTPHealthCheckNodePort(ctx context.Context, host string, port int, request string, timeout time.Duration, expectSucceed bool, threshold int) error {}

func testHTTPHealthCheckNodePort(ip string, port int, request string) (bool, error) {}

func testHTTPHealthCheckNodePortFromTestContainer(ctx context.Context, config *e2enetwork.NetworkingTestConfig, host string, port int, timeout time.Duration, expectSucceed bool, threshold int) error {}

// Does an HTTP GET, but does not reuse TCP connections
// This masks problems where the iptables rule has changed, but we don't see it
func httpGetNoConnectionPoolTimeout(url string, timeout time.Duration) (*http.Response, error) {}

func getServeHostnameService(name string) *v1.Service {}

// waitForAPIServerUp waits for the kube-apiserver to be up.
func waitForAPIServerUp(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface) error {}

// getEndpointNodesWithInternalIP returns a map of nodenames:internal-ip on which the
// endpoints of the Service are running.
func getEndpointNodesWithInternalIP(ctx context.Context, jig *e2eservice.TestJig) (map[string]string, error) {}

var _

// execAffinityTestForSessionAffinityTimeout is a helper function that wrap the logic of
// affinity test for non-load-balancer services. Session affinity will be
// enabled when the service is created and a short timeout will be configured so
// session affinity must change after the timeout expirese.
func execAffinityTestForSessionAffinityTimeout(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, svc *v1.Service) {}

func execAffinityTestForNonLBServiceWithTransition(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, svc *v1.Service) {}

func execAffinityTestForNonLBService(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, svc *v1.Service) {}

// execAffinityTestForNonLBServiceWithOptionalTransition is a helper function that wrap the logic of
// affinity test for non-load-balancer services. Session affinity will be
// enabled when the service is created. If parameter isTransitionTest is true,
// session affinity will be switched off/on and test if the service converges
// to a stable affinity state.
func execAffinityTestForNonLBServiceWithOptionalTransition(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, svc *v1.Service, isTransitionTest bool) {}

func execAffinityTestForLBServiceWithTransition(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, svc *v1.Service) {}

func execAffinityTestForLBService(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, svc *v1.Service) {}

// execAffinityTestForLBServiceWithOptionalTransition is a helper function that wrap the logic of
// affinity test for load balancer services, similar to
// execAffinityTestForNonLBServiceWithOptionalTransition.
func execAffinityTestForLBServiceWithOptionalTransition(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, svc *v1.Service, isTransitionTest bool) {}

func createAndGetExternalServiceFQDN(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, ns, serviceName string) string {}

func createPausePodDeployment(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, name, ns string, replicas int) *appsv1.Deployment {}

// createPodOrFail creates a pod with the specified containerPorts.
func createPodOrFail(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, ns, name string, labels map[string]string, containerPorts []v1.ContainerPort, args ...string) {}

// launchHostExecPod launches a hostexec pod in the given namespace and waits
// until it's Running. If avoidNode is non-nil, it will ensure that the pod doesn't
// land on that node.
func launchHostExecPod(ctx context.Context, client clientset.Interface, ns, name string, avoidNode *string) *v1.Pod {}

// checkReachabilityFromPod checks reachability from the specified pod.
func checkReachabilityFromPod(ctx context.Context, expectToBeReachable bool, timeout time.Duration, namespace, pod, target string) {}

func validatePorts(ep, expectedEndpoints portsByPodUID) error {}

func translatePodNameToUID(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string, expectedEndpoints portsByPodName) (portsByPodUID, error) {}

// validateEndpointsPortsOrFail validates that the given service exists and is served by the given expectedEndpoints.
func validateEndpointsPortsOrFail(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, namespace, serviceName string, expectedEndpoints portsByPodName) {}

func restartApiserver(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cs clientset.Interface) error {}

// restartComponent restarts component static pod
func restartComponent(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, cName, ns string, matchLabels map[string]string) error {}

// validateEndpointsPortsWithProtocolsOrFail validates that the given service exists and is served by the given expectedEndpoints.
func validateEndpointsPortsWithProtocolsOrFail(c clientset.Interface, namespace, serviceName string, expectedEndpoints fullPortsByPodName) {}

func translatePortsByPodNameToPortsByPodUID(c clientset.Interface, ns string, expectedEndpoints fullPortsByPodName) (fullPortsByPodUID, error) {}

func validatePortsAndProtocols(ep, expectedEndpoints fullPortsByPodUID) error {}