
type durations

func (d durations) Len() int           {}

func (d durations) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (d durations) Swap(i, j int)      {}

var _

func runServiceLatencies(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, inParallel, total int, acceptableFailureRatio float32) (output []time.Duration, err error) {}

type endpointQuery

type endpointQueries

func newQuerier() *endpointQueries {}

// join merges the incoming streams of requests and added endpoints. It has
// nice properties like:
//   - remembering an endpoint if it happens to arrive before it is requested.
//   - closing all outstanding requests (returning nil) if it is stopped.
func (eq *endpointQueries) join() {}

// request blocks until the requested endpoint is seen.
func (eq *endpointQueries) request(endpointsName string) *v1.Endpoints {}

// marks e as added; does not block.
func (eq *endpointQueries) added(e *v1.Endpoints) {}

// blocks until it has finished syncing.
func startEndpointWatcher(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, q *endpointQueries) {}

func singleServiceLatency(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, name string, q *endpointQueries) (time.Duration, error) {}