
const secondNodePortSvcName

// GetHTTPContent returns the content of the given url by HTTP.
func GetHTTPContent(host string, port int, timeout time.Duration, url string) (string, error) {}

// GetHTTPContentFromTestContainer returns the content of the given url by HTTP via a test container.
func GetHTTPContentFromTestContainer(ctx context.Context, config *e2enetwork.NetworkingTestConfig, host string, port int, timeout time.Duration, dialCmd string) (string, error) {}

// DescribeSvc logs the output of kubectl describe svc for the given namespace
func DescribeSvc(ns string) {}

// CheckSCTPModuleLoadedOnNodes checks whether any node on the list has the
// sctp.ko module loaded
// For security reasons, and also to allow clusters to use userspace SCTP implementations,
// we require that just creating an SCTP Pod/Service/NetworkPolicy must not do anything
// that would cause the sctp kernel module to be loaded.
func CheckSCTPModuleLoadedOnNodes(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, nodes *v1.NodeList) bool {}

// execSourceIPTest executes curl to access "/clientip" endpoint on target address
// from given Pod to check if source ip is preserved.
func execSourceIPTest(sourcePod v1.Pod, targetAddr string) (string, string) {}

// execHostnameTest executes curl to access "/hostname" endpoint on target address
// from given Pod to check the hostname of the target destination.
// It also converts FQDNs to hostnames, so if an FQDN is passed as
// targetHostname only the hostname part will be considered for comparison.
func execHostnameTest(sourcePod v1.Pod, targetAddr, targetHostname string) {}

// createSecondNodePortService creates a service with the same selector as config.NodePortService and same HTTP Port
func createSecondNodePortService(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, config *e2enetwork.NetworkingTestConfig) (*v1.Service, int) {}

// testEndpointReachability tests reachability to endpoints (i.e. IP, ServiceName) and ports. Test request is initiated from specified execPod.
// TCP and UDP protocol based service are supported at this moment
func testEndpointReachability(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, port int32, protocol v1.Protocol, execPod *v1.Pod, timeout time.Duration) error {}