
type Resource

var balancePodLabel

var crioMinMemLimit

var podRequestedResource

// nodesAreTooUtilized ensures that each node can support 2*crioMinMemLimit
// We check for double because it needs to support at least the cri-o minimum
// plus whatever delta between node usages (which could be up to or at least crioMinMemLimit)
func nodesAreTooUtilized(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, nodeList *v1.NodeList) bool {}

var _

// createBalancedPodForNodes creates a pod per node that asks for enough resources to make all nodes have the same mem/cpu usage ratio.
func createBalancedPodForNodes(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, ns string, nodes []v1.Node, requestedResource *v1.ResourceRequirements, ratio float64) error {}

func podListForEachNode(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface) map[string][]*v1.Pod {}

func computeCPUMemFraction(node v1.Node, resource *v1.ResourceRequirements, pods []*v1.Pod) (float64, float64, int64, int64) {}

func getNonZeroRequests(pod *v1.Pod) Resource {}

func getRandomTaint() v1.Taint {}

func addTaintToNode(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, nodeName string, testTaint v1.Taint) {}

// getNonZeroRequestForResource returns the requested values,
// if the resource has undefined request for CPU or memory, it returns a default value.
func getNonZeroRequestForResource(resourceName v1.ResourceName, requests *v1.ResourceList) resource.Quantity {}