
const driverDir

const defaultVolumePluginDir

const gciVolumePluginDir

const detachTimeout

// testFlexVolume tests that a client pod using a given flexvolume driver
// successfully mounts it and runs
func testFlexVolume(ctx context.Context, driver string, config e2evolume.TestConfig, f *framework.Framework) {}

// installFlex installs the driver found at filePath on the node, and restarts
// kubelet if 'restart' is true. If node is nil, installs on the master, and restarts
// controller-manager if 'restart' is true.
func installFlex(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node, vendor, driver, filePath string) {}

func uninstallFlex(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node, vendor, driver string) {}

func getFlexDir(c clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node, vendor, driver string) string {}

func sshAndLog(ctx context.Context, cmd, host string, failOnError bool) {}

func getHostFromHostPort(hostPort string) string {}

var _