
type pvcDeletionPerformanceTestSuite

var _

const pvcDeletionTestTimeout

// InitPvcDeletionPerformanceTestSuite returns pvcDeletionPerformanceTestSuite that implements TestSuite interface
// This test suite brings up a number of pods and PVCS (configured upstream), deletes the pods, and then deletes the PVCs.
// The main goal is to record the duration for the PVC/PV deletion process for each run, and so the test doesn't set explicit expectations to match against.
func InitPvcDeletionPerformanceTestSuite() storageframework.TestSuite {}

func (t *pvcDeletionPerformanceTestSuite) GetTestSuiteInfo() storageframework.TestSuiteInfo {}

func (t *pvcDeletionPerformanceTestSuite) SkipUnsupportedTests(driver storageframework.TestDriver, pattern storageframework.TestPattern) {}

func (t *pvcDeletionPerformanceTestSuite) DefineTests(driver storageframework.TestDriver, pattern storageframework.TestPattern) {}