
type topologyTestSuite

type topologyTest

type topology

// InitCustomTopologyTestSuite returns topologyTestSuite that implements TestSuite interface
// using custom test patterns
func InitCustomTopologyTestSuite(patterns []storageframework.TestPattern) storageframework.TestSuite {}

// InitTopologyTestSuite returns topologyTestSuite that implements TestSuite interface
// using testsuite default patterns
func InitTopologyTestSuite() storageframework.TestSuite {}

func (t *topologyTestSuite) GetTestSuiteInfo() storageframework.TestSuiteInfo {}

func (t *topologyTestSuite) SkipUnsupportedTests(driver storageframework.TestDriver, pattern storageframework.TestPattern) {}

func (t *topologyTestSuite) DefineTests(driver storageframework.TestDriver, pattern storageframework.TestPattern) {}

// getCurrentTopologies() goes through all Nodes and returns up to maxCount unique driver topologies
func (t *topologyTestSuite) getCurrentTopologies(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, keys []string, maxCount int) ([]topology, error) {}

// reflect.DeepEqual doesn't seem to work
func topologyEqual(t1, t2 topology) bool {}

// Set StorageClass.Allowed topologies from topos while excluding the topology at excludedIndex.
// excludedIndex can be -1 to specify nothing should be excluded.
// Return the list of allowed topologies generated.
func (t *topologyTestSuite) setAllowedTopologies(sc *storagev1.StorageClass, topos []topology, excludedIndex int) []topology {}

func (t *topologyTestSuite) verifyNodeTopology(node *v1.Node, allowedTopos []topology) {}

func (t *topologyTestSuite) createResources(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, l *topologyTest, affinity *v1.Affinity) {}

func (t *topologyTestSuite) CleanupResources(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, l *topologyTest) {}