
var md5hashes

const mountPath

type volumeIOTestSuite

// InitCustomVolumeIOTestSuite returns volumeIOTestSuite that implements TestSuite interface
// using custom test patterns
func InitCustomVolumeIOTestSuite(patterns []storageframework.TestPattern) storageframework.TestSuite {}

// InitVolumeIOTestSuite returns volumeIOTestSuite that implements TestSuite interface
// using testsuite default patterns
func InitVolumeIOTestSuite() storageframework.TestSuite {}

func (t *volumeIOTestSuite) GetTestSuiteInfo() storageframework.TestSuiteInfo {}

func (t *volumeIOTestSuite) SkipUnsupportedTests(driver storageframework.TestDriver, pattern storageframework.TestPattern) {}

func (t *volumeIOTestSuite) DefineTests(driver storageframework.TestDriver, pattern storageframework.TestPattern) {}

func createFileSizes(maxFileSize int64) []int64 {}

// Return the plugin's client pod spec. Use an InitContainer to setup the file i/o test env.
func makePodSpec(config e2evolume.TestConfig, initCmd string, volsrc v1.VolumeSource, podSecContext *v1.PodSecurityContext) *v1.Pod {}

// Write `fsize` bytes to `fpath` in the pod, using dd and the `ddInput` file.
func writeToFile(f *framework.Framework, pod *v1.Pod, fpath, ddInput string, fsize int64) error {}

// Verify that the test file is the expected size and contains the expected content.
func verifyFile(f *framework.Framework, pod *v1.Pod, fpath string, expectSize int64, ddInput string) error {}

// Delete `fpath` to save some disk space on host. Delete errors are logged but ignored.
func deleteFile(f *framework.Framework, pod *v1.Pod, fpath string) {}

// Create the client pod and create files of the sizes passed in by the `fsizes` parameter. Delete the
// client pod and the new files when done.
// Note: the file name is appended to "/opt/<Prefix>/<namespace>", eg. "/opt/nfs/e2e-.../<file>".
// Note: nil can be passed for the podSecContext parm, in which case it is ignored.
// Note: `fsizes` values are enforced to each be at least `MinFileSize` and a multiple of `MinFileSize`
//	bytes.
func testVolumeIO(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, config e2evolume.TestConfig, volsrc v1.VolumeSource, podSecContext *v1.PodSecurityContext, file string, fsizes []int64) (err error) {}