
var _

type storageControllerMetrics

type statusMetricCounts

func newStorageControllerMetrics() *storageControllerMetrics {}

func waitForDetachAndGrabMetrics(ctx context.Context, oldMetrics *storageControllerMetrics, metricsGrabber *e2emetrics.Grabber, pluginName string) *storageControllerMetrics {}

func verifyMetricCount(oldMetrics, newMetrics *storageControllerMetrics, metricName string, expectFailure bool) {}

func getControllerStorageMetrics(ms e2emetrics.ControllerManagerMetrics, pluginName string) *storageControllerMetrics {}

// Finds the sample in the specified metric from `KubeletMetrics` tagged with
// the specified namespace and pvc name
func findVolumeStatMetric(metricKeyName string, namespace string, pvcName string, kubeletMetrics e2emetrics.KubeletMetrics) bool {}

// Wait for the count of a pv controller's metric specified by metricName and dimension bigger than zero.
func waitForPVControllerSync(ctx context.Context, metricsGrabber *e2emetrics.Grabber, metricName, dimension string) {}

func calculateRelativeValues(originValues, updatedValues map[string]int64) map[string]int64 {}

func getStatesMetrics(metricKey string, givenMetrics testutil.Metrics) map[string]map[string]int64 {}

func waitForADControllerStatesMetrics(ctx context.Context, metricsGrabber *e2emetrics.Grabber, metricName string, dimensions []string, stateNames []string) {}

// makePod creates a pod which either references the PVC or creates it via a
// generic ephemeral volume claim template.
func makePod(f *framework.Framework, pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, isEphemeral bool) *v1.Pod {}