
const rsName

const scaleNum

type ReplicaSetUpgradeTest

// Name returns the tracking name of the test.
func (ReplicaSetUpgradeTest) Name() string {}

// Setup creates a ReplicaSet and makes sure it's replicas ready.
func (r *ReplicaSetUpgradeTest) Setup(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

// Test checks whether the replicasets are the same after an upgrade.
func (r *ReplicaSetUpgradeTest) Test(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, done <-chan struct{}

// Teardown cleans up any remaining resources.
func (r *ReplicaSetUpgradeTest) Teardown(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

// newReplicaSet returns a new ReplicaSet.
func newReplicaSet(name, namespace string, replicas int32, podLabels map[string]string, imageName, image string) *appsv1.ReplicaSet {}