
const gmsaFullNodeLabel

const gmsaCrdManifestPath

const gmsaCustomResourceName

const gmsaWebhookDeployScriptURL

const expectedQueryOutput

const gmsaDomain

const gmsaSharedFolder

var _

func isValidOutput(output string) bool {}

// findPreconfiguredGmsaNode finds node with the gmsaFullNodeLabel label on it.
func findPreconfiguredGmsaNodes(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface) []v1.Node {}

// retrieveCRDManifestFileContents retrieves the contents of the file
// at gmsaCrdManifestPath on node; it does so by scheduling a single pod
// on nodes with the gmsaFullNodeLabel label with that file's directory
// mounted on it, and then exec-ing into that pod to retrieve the file's
// contents.
func retrieveCRDManifestFileContents(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, node v1.Node) string {}

// deployGmsaWebhook deploys the GMSA webhook, and returns a cleanup function
// to be called when done with testing, that removes the temp files it's created
// on disks as well as the API resources it's created.
func deployGmsaWebhook(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) error {}

// createGmsaCustomResource creates the GMSA API object from the contents
// of the manifest file retrieved from the worker node.
// It returns a function to clean up both the temp file it creates and
// the API object it creates when done with testing.
func createGmsaCustomResource(ns string, crdManifestContents string) error {}

// createRBACRoleForGmsa creates an RBAC cluster role to grant use
// access to our test credential spec.
// It returns the role's name, as well as a function to delete it when done.
func createRBACRoleForGmsa(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) (string, error) {}

// createServiceAccount creates a service account, and returns its name.
func createServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) string {}

// bindRBACRoleToServiceAccount binds the given RBAC cluster role to the given service account.
func bindRBACRoleToServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, serviceAccountName, rbacRoleName string) {}

func bindClusterRBACRoleToServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, serviceAccountName, rbacRoleName string) {}

// createPodWithGmsa creates a pod using the test GMSA cred spec, and returns its name.
func createPodWithGmsa(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, serviceAccountName string) string {}

func runKubectlExecInNamespace(namespace string, args ...string) (string, error) {}

func getGmsaDomainIP(f *framework.Framework, podName string) string {}