
const kubeletAddr

var _

type densityTest

func (dt *densityTest) getTestName() string {}

// runDensityBatchTest runs the density batch pod creation test
func runDensityBatchTest(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, rc *ResourceCollector, testArg densityTest, testInfo map[string]string,
	isLogTimeSeries bool) (time.Duration, []e2emetrics.PodLatencyData) {}

// runDensitySeqTest runs the density sequential pod creation test
func runDensitySeqTest(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, rc *ResourceCollector, testArg densityTest, testInfo map[string]string) (time.Duration, []e2emetrics.PodLatencyData) {}

// createBatchPodWithRateControl creates a batch of pods concurrently, uses one goroutine for each creation.
// between creations there is an interval for throughput control
func createBatchPodWithRateControl(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, pods []*v1.Pod, interval time.Duration) map[string]metav1.Time {}

// getPodStartLatency gets prometheus metric 'pod start latency' from kubelet
func getPodStartLatency(ctx context.Context, node string) (e2emetrics.KubeletLatencyMetrics, error) {}

// newInformerWatchPod creates an informer to check whether all pods are running.
func newInformerWatchPod(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, mutex *sync.Mutex, watchTimes map[string]metav1.Time, podType string) cache.Controller {}

// createBatchPodSequential creates pods back-to-back in sequence.
func createBatchPodSequential(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, pods []*v1.Pod, podType string) (time.Duration, []e2emetrics.PodLatencyData) {}

// podWatchedRunning verifies whether the pod becomes Running, as the watchTime was set by informer
func podWatchedRunning(watchTimes map[string]metav1.Time, podName string) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// verifyLatencyWithinThreshold verifies whether 50, 90 and 99th percentiles of a latency metric are
// within the expected threshold.
func verifyLatencyWithinThreshold(threshold, actual e2emetrics.LatencyMetric, metricName string) error {}

// extractLatencyMetrics returns latency metrics for each percentile(50th, 90th and 99th).
func extractLatencyMetrics(latencies []e2emetrics.PodLatencyData) e2emetrics.LatencyMetric {}

// printLatencies outputs latencies to log with readable format.
func printLatencies(latencies []e2emetrics.PodLatencyData, header string) {}

// logAndVerifyLatency verifies that whether pod creation latency satisfies the limit.
func logAndVerifyLatency(ctx context.Context, batchLag time.Duration, e2eLags []e2emetrics.PodLatencyData, podStartupLimits e2emetrics.LatencyMetric,
	podBatchStartupLimit time.Duration, testInfo map[string]string, isVerify bool) {}

// logThroughput calculates and logs pod creation throughput.
func logPodCreateThroughput(batchLag time.Duration, e2eLags []e2emetrics.PodLatencyData, podsNr int, testInfo map[string]string) {}