
const devicePluginDir

var _

func makeBusyboxDeviceRequiringPod(resourceName, cmd string) *v1.Pod {}

// BeReady verifies that a node is ready and devices have registered.
func BeReady() types.GomegaMatcher {}

// BeInReadyPhase matches if node is ready i.e. ready is true.
func BeInReadyPhase(isReady bool) types.GomegaMatcher {}

func isNodeReadyWithSampleResources(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) (bool, error) {}

// HaveAllocatableDevices verifies that a node has allocatable devices.
func HaveAllocatableDevices() types.GomegaMatcher {}

// hasAllocatable matches if node is ready i.e. ready is true.
func hasAllocatable(hasAllocatable bool) types.GomegaMatcher {}

func isNodeReadyWithAllocatableSampleResources(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, devCount int64) (bool, error) {}

func isNodeReadyWithoutSampleResources(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) (bool, error) {}

// HaveFailedWithAdmissionError verifies that a pod fails at admission.
func HaveFailedWithAdmissionError() types.GomegaMatcher {}

// hasFailed matches if pod has failed.
func hasFailed(hasFailed bool) types.GomegaMatcher {}

func getPodByName(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, podName string) (*v1.Pod, error) {}

func getPod(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, podName string) (bool, error) {}