
const maxImagePullRetries

const imagePullRetryDelay

const maxParallelImagePullCount

var NodePrePullImageList

// updateImageAllowList updates the e2epod.ImagePrePullList with
// 1. the hard coded lists
// 2. the ones passed in from framework.TestContext.ExtraEnvs
// So this function needs to be called after the extra envs are applied.
func updateImageAllowList(ctx context.Context) {}

func isRunningOnArm64() bool {}

func getNodeProblemDetectorImage() string {}

type puller

type remotePuller

func (rp *remotePuller) Name() string {}

func (rp *remotePuller) Pull(ctx context.Context, image string) ([]byte, error) {}

func (rp *remotePuller) Remove(ctx context.Context, image string) error {}

func getPuller() (puller, error) {}

// PrePullAllImages pre-fetches all images tests depend on so that we don't fail in an actual test.
func PrePullAllImages(ctx context.Context) error {}

func RemoveImage(ctx context.Context, image string) error {}

func getContainerImageFromE2ETestDaemonset(dsYamlPath string) (string, error) {}

// getSRIOVDevicePluginImage returns the image of SRIOV device plugin.
func getSRIOVDevicePluginImage() (string, error) {}