
var _

func init() {}

type envs

// String function of flag.Value
func (e *envs) String() string {}

// Set function of flag.Value
func (e *envs) Set(value string) error {}

var nodeEnvs

var project

var zone

var instanceMetadata

var imageProject

var instanceType

var preemptibleInstances

var network

var subnet

func init() {}

type GCERunner

const defaultGCEMachine

func NewGCERunner(cfg remote.Config) remote.Runner {}

func (g *GCERunner) Validate() error {}

func (g *GCERunner) StartTests(suite remote.TestSuite, archivePath string, results chan *remote.TestResult) (numTests int) {}

type Accelerator

type Resources

type internalGCEImage

type internalGCEImageConfig

type GCEImageConfig

type GCEImage

// Returns an image name based on regex and given GCE project.
func (g *GCERunner) getGCEImage(imageRegex, imageFamily string, project string) (string, error) {}

func (g *GCERunner) prepareGceImages() (*internalGCEImageConfig, error) {}

type imageObj

type byCreationTime

func (a byCreationTime) Len() int           {}

func (a byCreationTime) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (a byCreationTime) Swap(i, j int)      {}

func (g *GCERunner) getImageMetadata(input string) *gceMetadata {}

func (g *GCERunner) DeleteGCEInstance(host string) {}

func (g *GCERunner) parseInstanceMetadata(str string) map[string]string {}

// ignitionInjectGCEPublicKey tries to inject the GCE SSH public key into the
// provided ignition file path.
// This will only being done if the job has the
// IGNITION_INJECT_GCE_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE environment variable set, while it
// tried to replace the GCE_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_CONTENT placeholder.
func ignitionInjectGCEPublicKey(content string) string {}

// Provision a gce instance using image and run the tests in archive against the instance.
// Delete the instance afterward.
func (g *GCERunner) testGCEImage(suite remote.TestSuite, archivePath string, imageConfig *internalGCEImage, junitFileName string) *remote.TestResult {}

// Provision a gce instance using image
func (g *GCERunner) createGCEInstance(imageConfig *internalGCEImage) (string, error) {}

func (g *GCERunner) isCloudInitUsed(metadata *gceMetadata) bool {}

func (g *GCERunner) imageToInstanceName(imageConfig *internalGCEImage) string {}

func (g *GCERunner) registerGceHostIP(host string) error {}

func (g *GCERunner) getExternalIP(instance *gceInstance) string {}

func (g *GCERunner) updateKernelArguments(instance *gceInstance, image string, kernelArgs []string) error {}

func (g *GCERunner) machineType(machine string) string {}

func (g *GCERunner) rebootInstance(instance *gceInstance) error {}