
type ConformanceRemote

func init() {}

// getConformanceDirectory gets node conformance test build directory.
func getConformanceDirectory() (string, error) {}

// commandToString is a helper function which formats command to string.
func commandToString(c *exec.Cmd) string {}

const conformanceRegistry

const conformanceArch

const conformanceTarfile

const conformanceTestBinary

const conformanceImageLoadTimeout

var timestamp

// getConformanceTestImageName returns name of the conformance test image given the system spec name.
func getConformanceTestImageName(systemSpecName string) string {}

// buildConformanceTest builds node conformance test image tarball into binDir.
func buildConformanceTest(binDir, systemSpecName string) error {}

// SetupTestPackage sets up the test package with binaries k8s required for node conformance test
func (c *ConformanceRemote) SetupTestPackage(tardir, systemSpecName string) error {}

// loadConformanceImage loads node conformance image from tar file.
func loadConformanceImage(host, workspace string) error {}

const kubeletLauncherLog

var kubeletPodPath

// getPodPath returns pod manifest full path.
func getPodPath(workspace string) string {}

// isSystemd returns whether the node is a systemd node.
func isSystemd(host string) (bool, error) {}

// launchKubelet launches kubelet by running e2e_node.test binary in run-kubelet-mode.
// This is a temporary solution, we should change node e2e to use the same node bootstrap
// with cluster e2e and launch kubelet outside of the test for both regular node e2e and
// node conformance test.
// TODO(random-liu): Switch to use standard node bootstrap script.
func launchKubelet(host, workspace, results, testArgs, bearerToken string) error {}

const kubeletStopGracePeriod

// stopKubelet stops kubelet launcher and kubelet gracefully.
func stopKubelet(host, workspace string) error {}

// RunTest runs test on the node.
func (c *ConformanceRemote) RunTest(host, workspace, results, imageDesc, junitFilePrefix, testArgs, _, systemSpecName, extraEnvs, _ string, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {}

// generateSecureToken returns a string of length tokenLen, consisting
// of random bytes encoded as base64 for use as a Bearer Token during
// communication with an APIServer
func generateSecureToken(tokenLen int) (string, error) {}