
type NodeE2ERemote

// init initializes the node e2e test suite.
func init() {}

// SetupTestPackage sets up the test package with binaries k8s required for node e2e tests
func (n *NodeE2ERemote) SetupTestPackage(tardir, systemSpecName string) error {}

// prependMemcgNotificationFlag prepends the flag for enabling memcg
// notification to args and returns the result.
func prependMemcgNotificationFlag(args string) string {}

// prependCredentialProviderFlag prepends the flags for enabling
// a credential provider plugin.
func prependCredentialProviderFlag(args, workspace string) string {}

// osSpecificActions takes OS specific actions required for the node tests
func osSpecificActions(args, host, workspace string) (string, error) {}

// setKubeletSELinuxLabels set the appropriate SELinux labels for the
// kubelet on Fedora CoreOS distribution
func setKubeletSELinuxLabels(host, workspace string) error {}

func getOSDistribution(host string) (string, error) {}

// RunTest runs test on the node.
func (n *NodeE2ERemote) RunTest(host, workspace, results, imageDesc, junitFilePrefix, testArgs, ginkgoArgs, systemSpecName, extraEnvs, runtimeConfig string, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {}