
const cniVersion

const cniDirectory

const cniConfDirectory

const ecrCredentialProviderVersion

const cniConfig

const credentialGCPProviderConfig

const credentialAWSProviderConfig

func getCNIURL() string {}

// Install the cni plugin and add basic bridge configuration to the
// configuration directory.
func setupCNI(host, workspace string) error {}

func getECRCredentialProviderURL() string {}

func setupECRCredentialProvider(host, workspace string) error {}

func configureCredentialProvider(host, workspace string) error {}

// configureFirewall configures iptable firewall rules.
func configureFirewall(host string) error {}

// cleanupNodeProcesses kills all running node processes may conflict with the test.
func cleanupNodeProcesses(host string) {}

// Quotes a shell literal so it can be nested within another shell scope.
func quote(s string) string {}