
type args

// String function of flag.Value
func (a *args) String() string {}

// Set function of flag.Value
func (a *args) Set(value string) error {}

var kubeletArgs

var kubeletConfigFile

func init() {}

// RunKubelet starts kubelet and waits for termination signal. Once receives the
// termination signal, it will stop the kubelet gracefully.
func RunKubelet(featureGates map[string]bool) {}

const KubeletRootDirectory

var kubeletHealthCheckURL

func baseKubeConfiguration(cfgPath string) (*kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration, error) {}

// startKubelet starts the Kubelet in a separate process or returns an error
// if the Kubelet fails to start.
func (e *E2EServices) startKubelet(featureGates map[string]bool) (*server, error) {}

// WriteKubeletConfigFile writes the kubelet config file based on the args and returns the filename
func WriteKubeletConfigFile(internal *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration, path string) error {}

// createPodDirectory creates pod directory.
func createPodDirectory() (string, error) {}

// createKubeconfig creates a kubeconfig file at the fully qualified `path`. The parent dirs must exist.
func createKubeconfig(path string) error {}

func createRootDirectory(path string) error {}

func kubeconfigCWDPath() (string, error) {}

func kubeletConfigCWDPath() (string, error) {}

func KubeletConfigDirCWDDir() (string, error) {}

// like createKubeconfig, but creates kubeconfig at current-working-directory/kubeconfig
// returns a fully-qualified path to the kubeconfig file
func createKubeconfigCWD() (string, error) {}

// adjustArgsForSystemd escape special characters in kubelet arguments for systemd. Systemd
// may try to do auto expansion without escaping.
func adjustArgsForSystemd(args []string) {}