
var serverStartTimeout

type server

// newServer returns a new server with the given name, commands, health check
// URLs, etc.
func newServer(name string, start, kill, restart *exec.Cmd, urls []string, outputFileName string, monitorParent, restartOnExit bool, systemdUnitName string) *server {}

// commandToString format command to string.
func commandToString(c *exec.Cmd) string {}

func (s *server) String() string {}

// start starts the server by running its commands, monitors it with a health
// check, and ensures that it is restarted if applicable.
// Note: restartOnExit == true requires len(s.healthCheckUrls) > 0 to work properly.
func (s *server) start() error {}

// kill runs the server's kill command.
func (s *server) kill() error {}

func (s *server) stopUnit() error {}