
type E2EServices

// NewE2EServices returns a new E2EServices instance.
func NewE2EServices(monitorParent bool) *E2EServices {}

// Start starts the e2e services in another process by calling back into the
// test binary.  Returns when all e2e services are ready or an error.
// We want to statically link e2e services into the test binary, but we don't
// want their glog output to pollute the test result. So we run the binary in
// run-services-mode to start e2e services in another process.
// The function starts 2 processes:
// * internal e2e services: services which statically linked in the test binary - apiserver, etcd and
// namespace controller.
// * kubelet: kubelet binary is outside. (We plan to move main kubelet start logic out when we have
// standard kubelet launcher)
func (e *E2EServices) Start(featureGates map[string]bool) error {}

// Stop stops the e2e services.
func (e *E2EServices) Stop() {}

// RunE2EServices actually start the e2e services. This function is used to
// start e2e services in current process. This is only used in run-services-mode.
func RunE2EServices(t *testing.T) {}

const servicesLogFile

const LogVerbosityLevel

// startInternalServices starts the internal services in a separate process.
func (e *E2EServices) startInternalServices() (*server, error) {}

// collectLogFiles collects logs of interest either via journalctl or by creating sym
// links. Since we scp files from the remote directory, symlinks will be
// treated as normal files and file contents will be copied over.
func (e *E2EServices) collectLogFiles() {}

// isJournaldAvailable returns whether the system executing the tests uses
// journald.
func isJournaldAvailable() bool {}

func copyLogFile(src, target string) error {}