
var startServices

var stopServices

var busyboxImage

var agnhostImage

const defaultNodeAllocatableCgroup

const defaultPodResourcesPath

const defaultPodResourcesTimeout

const defaultPodResourcesMaxSize

const cpuManagerStateFile

const memoryManagerStateFile

var kubeletHealthCheckURL

var containerRuntimeUnitName

var kubeletCfg

func getNodeSummary(ctx context.Context) (*stats.Summary, error) {}

func getV1alpha1NodeDevices(ctx context.Context) (*kubeletpodresourcesv1alpha1.ListPodResourcesResponse, error) {}

func getV1NodeDevices(ctx context.Context) (*kubeletpodresourcesv1.ListPodResourcesResponse, error) {}

// Returns the current KubeletConfiguration
func getCurrentKubeletConfig(ctx context.Context) (*kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration, error) {}

func addAfterEachForCleaningUpPods(f *framework.Framework) {}

// Must be called within a Context. Allows the function to modify the KubeletConfiguration during the BeforeEach of the context.
// The change is reverted in the AfterEach of the context.
func tempSetCurrentKubeletConfig(f *framework.Framework, updateFunction func(ctx context.Context, initialConfig *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration)) {}

func updateKubeletConfig(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, kubeletConfig *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration, deleteStateFiles bool) {}

func waitForKubeletToStart(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

func deleteStateFile(stateFileName string) {}

// listNamespaceEvents lists the events in the given namespace.
func listNamespaceEvents(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string) error {}

func logPodEvents(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

func logNodeEvents(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

func getLocalNode(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) *v1.Node {}

// getLocalTestNode fetches the node object describing the local worker node set up by the e2e_node infra, alongside with its ready state.
// getLocalTestNode is a variant of `getLocalNode` which reports but does not set any requirement about the node readiness state, letting
// the caller decide. The check is intentionally done like `getLocalNode` does.
// Note `getLocalNode` aborts (as in ginkgo.Expect) the test implicitly if the worker node is not ready.
func getLocalTestNode(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) (*v1.Node, bool) {}

// logKubeletLatencyMetrics logs KubeletLatencyMetrics computed from the Prometheus
// metrics exposed on the current node and identified by the metricNames.
// The Kubelet subsystem prefix is automatically prepended to these metric names.
func logKubeletLatencyMetrics(ctx context.Context, metricNames ...string) {}

// getCRIClient connects CRI and returns CRI runtime service clients and image service client.
func getCRIClient() (internalapi.RuntimeService, internalapi.ImageManagerService, error) {}

// findKubeletServiceName searches the unit name among the services known to systemd.
// if the `running` parameter is true, restricts the search among currently running services;
// otherwise, also stopped, failed, exited (non-running in general) services are also considered.
// TODO: Find a uniform way to deal with systemctl/initctl/service operations. #34494
func findKubeletServiceName(running bool) string {}

func findContainerRuntimeServiceName() (string, error) {}

type containerRuntimeUnitOp

const startContainerRuntimeUnitOp

const stopContainerRuntimeUnitOp

func performContainerRuntimeUnitOp(op containerRuntimeUnitOp) error {}

func stopContainerRuntime() error {}

func startContainerRuntime() error {}

// restartKubelet restarts the current kubelet service.
// the "current" kubelet service is the instance managed by the current e2e_node test run.
// If `running` is true, restarts only if the current kubelet is actually running. In some cases,
// the kubelet may have exited or can be stopped, typically because it was intentionally stopped
// earlier during a test, or, sometimes, because it just crashed.
// Warning: the "current" kubelet is poorly defined. The "current" kubelet is assumed to be the most
// recent kubelet service unit, IOW there is not a unique ID we use to bind explicitly a kubelet
// instance to a test run.
func restartKubelet(running bool) {}

// stopKubelet will kill the running kubelet, and returns a func that will restart the process again
func stopKubelet() func() {}

func kubeletHealthCheck(url string) bool {}

func toCgroupFsName(cgroupName cm.CgroupName) string {}

// reduceAllocatableMemoryUsageIfCgroupv1 uses memory.force_empty (https://lwn.net/Articles/432224/)
// to make the kernel reclaim memory in the allocatable cgroup
// the time to reduce pressure may be unbounded, but usually finishes within a second.
// memory.force_empty is no supported in cgroupv2.
func reduceAllocatableMemoryUsageIfCgroupv1() {}

// Equivalent of featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest
// which can't be used here because we're not in a Testing context.
// This must be in a non-"_test" file to pass
// make verify WHAT=test-featuregates
func withFeatureGate(feature featuregate.Feature, desired bool) func() {}

// waitForAllContainerRemoval waits until all the containers on a given pod are really gone.
// This is needed by the e2e tests which involve exclusive resource allocation (cpu, topology manager; podresources; etc.)
// In these cases, we need to make sure the tests clean up after themselves to make sure each test runs in
// a pristine environment. The only way known so far to do that is to introduce this wait.
// Worth noting, however, that this makes the test runtime much bigger.
func waitForAllContainerRemoval(ctx context.Context, podName, podNS string) {}

func getPidsForProcess(name, pidFile string) ([]int, error) {}

func getPidFromPidFile(pidFile string) (int, error) {}

// WaitForPodInitContainerRestartCount waits for the given Pod init container
// to achieve at least a given restartCount
// TODO: eventually look at moving to test/e2e/framework/pod
func WaitForPodInitContainerRestartCount(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, namespace, podName string, initContainerIndex int, desiredRestartCount int32, timeout time.Duration) error {}

// WaitForPodContainerRestartCount waits for the given Pod container to achieve at least a given restartCount
// TODO: eventually look at moving to test/e2e/framework/pod
func WaitForPodContainerRestartCount(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, namespace, podName string, containerIndex int, desiredRestartCount int32, timeout time.Duration) error {}

// WaitForPodInitContainerToFail waits for the given Pod init container to fail with the given reason, specifically due to
// invalid container configuration. In this case, the container will remain in a waiting state with a specific
// reason set, which should match the given reason.
// TODO: eventually look at moving to test/e2e/framework/pod
func WaitForPodInitContainerToFail(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, namespace, podName string, containerIndex int, reason string, timeout time.Duration) error {}

func nodeNameOrIP() string {}