
var invalidBodyJSON

var validBodyJSON

var invalidBodyYAML

var validBodyYAML

var applyInvalidBody

var applyValidBody

var crdInvalidBody

var crdValidBody

var crdInvalidBodyYAML

var crdValidBodyYAML

var crdApplyInvalidBody

var crdApplyValidBody

var crdApplyValidBody2

var crdApplyFinalizerBody

var patchYAMLBody

var crdSchemaBase

func TestFieldValidation(t *testing.T) {}

// testFieldValidationPost tests POST requests containing unknown fields with
// strict and non-strict field validation.
func testFieldValidationPost(t *testing.T, client clientset.Interface) {}

// testFieldValidationPut tests PUT requests
// that update existing objects with unknown fields
// for both strict and non-strict field validation.
func testFieldValidationPut(t *testing.T, client clientset.Interface) {}

// testFieldValidationPatchTyped tests merge-patch and json-patch requests containing unknown fields with
// strict and non-strict field validation for typed objects.
func testFieldValidationPatchTyped(t *testing.T, client clientset.Interface) {}

// testFieldValidationSMP tests that attempting a strategic-merge-patch
// with unknown fields errors out when fieldValidation is strict,
// but succeeds when fieldValidation is ignored.
func testFieldValidationSMP(t *testing.T, client clientset.Interface) {}

// testFieldValidationApplyCreate tests apply patch requests containing unknown fields
// on newly created objects, with strict and non-strict field validation.
func testFieldValidationApplyCreate(t *testing.T, client clientset.Interface) {}

// testFieldValidationApplyUpdate tests apply patch requests containing unknown fields
// on apply requests to existing objects, with strict and non-strict field validation.
func testFieldValidationApplyUpdate(t *testing.T, client clientset.Interface) {}

// testFieldValidationPostCRD tests that server-side schema validation
// works for CRD create requests for CRDs with schemas
func testFieldValidationPostCRD(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

// testFieldValidationPostCRDSchemaless tests that server-side schema validation
// works for CRD create requests for CRDs that have schemas
// with x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-field set
func testFieldValidationPostCRDSchemaless(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

// testFieldValidationPutCRD tests that server-side schema validation
// works for CRD update requests for CRDs with schemas.
func testFieldValidationPutCRD(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

// testFieldValidationPutCRDSchemaless tests that server-side schema validation
// works for CRD update requests for CRDs that have schemas
// with x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-field set
func testFieldValidationPutCRDSchemaless(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

// testFieldValidationPatchCRD tests that server-side schema validation
// works for jsonpatch and mergepatch requests
// for custom resources that have schemas.
func testFieldValidationPatchCRD(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

// testFieldValidationPatchCRDSchemaless tests that server-side schema validation
// works for jsonpatch and mergepatch requests
// for custom resources that have schemas
// with x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-field set
func testFieldValidationPatchCRDSchemaless(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

// testFieldValidationApplyCreateCRD tests apply patch requests containing duplicate fields
// on newly created objects, for CRDs that have schemas
// Note that even prior to server-side validation, unknown fields were treated as
// errors in apply-patch and are not tested here.
func testFieldValidationApplyCreateCRD(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

// testFieldValidationApplyCreateCRDSchemaless tests apply patch requests containing duplicate fields
// on newly created objects, for CRDs that have schemas
// with x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-field set
// Note that even prior to server-side validation, unknown fields were treated as
// errors in apply-patch and are not tested here.
func testFieldValidationApplyCreateCRDSchemaless(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

// testFieldValidationApplyUpdateCRD tests apply patch requests containing duplicate fields
// on existing objects, for CRDs with schemas
// Note that even prior to server-side validation, unknown fields were treated as
// errors in apply-patch and are not tested here.
func testFieldValidationApplyUpdateCRD(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

// testFieldValidationApplyUpdateCRDSchemaless tests apply patch requests containing duplicate fields
// on existing objects, for CRDs with schemas
// with x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-field set
// Note that even prior to server-side validation, unknown fields were treated as
// errors in apply-patch and are not tested here.
func testFieldValidationApplyUpdateCRDSchemaless(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

func testFinalizerValidationApplyCreateAndUpdateCRD(t *testing.T, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

func setupCRD(t testing.TB, config *rest.Config, apiGroup string, schemaless bool) *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition {}

func BenchmarkFieldValidation(b *testing.B) {}

func benchFieldValidationPost(b *testing.B, client clientset.Interface) {}

func benchFieldValidationPut(b *testing.B, client clientset.Interface) {}

func benchFieldValidationPatchTyped(b *testing.B, client clientset.Interface) {}

func benchFieldValidationSMP(b *testing.B, client clientset.Interface) {}

func benchFieldValidationApplyCreate(b *testing.B, client clientset.Interface) {}

func benchFieldValidationApplyUpdate(b *testing.B, client clientset.Interface) {}

func benchFieldValidationPostCRD(b *testing.B, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

func benchFieldValidationPutCRD(b *testing.B, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

func benchFieldValidationPatchCRD(b *testing.B, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

func benchFieldValidationApplyCreateCRD(b *testing.B, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}

func benchFieldValidationApplyUpdateCRD(b *testing.B, rest rest.Interface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) {}