
func clientForToken(user string, rt http.RoundTripper) *http.Client {}

func clientsetForToken(user string, config *restclient.Config) (clientset.Interface, clientset.Interface) {}

type testRESTOptionsGetter

func (getter *testRESTOptionsGetter) GetRESTOptions(resource schema.GroupResource, example runtime.Object) (generic.RESTOptions, error) {}

func newRBACAuthorizer(t *testing.T, config *controlplane.Config) (authorizer.Authorizer, func()) {}

type bootstrapRoles

// bootstrap uses the provided client to create the bootstrap roles and role bindings.
// client should be authenticated as the RBAC super user.
func (b bootstrapRoles) bootstrap(client clientset.Interface) error {}

type request

func (r request) String() string {}

type statusCode

func (s statusCode) String() string {}

var writeJobsRoleBinding

var aJob

var aLimitRange

var podNamespace

var jobNamespace

var forbiddenNamespace

var limitRangeNamespace

var ruleAllowAll

var ruleReadPods

var ruleWriteJobs

func TestRBAC(t *testing.T) {}

func TestBootstrapping(t *testing.T) {}

// TestDiscoveryUpgradeBootstrapping is primarily meant to test the behavior of
// primePublicInfoClusterRoleBinding in storage_rbac.go during cluster upgrades.
func TestDiscoveryUpgradeBootstrapping(t *testing.T) {}

type authorizeRequest

// For 1.31 ctx was wired into the authorizers. This tests check that context values
// are not used inside the code to resolve namespaces or users with the goal of
// preventing regressions in the future.
func TestRBACContextContamination(t *testing.T) {}