
const testWebhookConfigurationName

const testWebhookName

var auditPolicyPattern

var nonAdmissionWebhookNamespace

var watchTestTimeout

var watchOptions

var (

var auditTestUser

var versions

var expectedEvents

// TestAudit ensures that both v1beta1 and v1 version audit api could work.
func TestAudit(t *testing.T) {}

func runTestWithVersion(t *testing.T, version string) {}

func testAudit(t *testing.T, version string, level auditinternal.Level, enableMutatingWebhook bool, namespace string, kubeclient clientset.Interface, logFile *os.File) {}

func testAuditCrossGroupSubResource(t *testing.T, version string, expEvents []utils.AuditEvent, namespace string, kubeclient clientset.Interface, logFile *os.File) {}

func getExpectedEvents(level auditinternal.Level, enableMutatingWebhook bool, namespace string) []utils.AuditEvent {}

// configMapOperations is a set of known operations performed on the configmap type
// which correspond to the expected events.
// This is shared by the dynamic test
func configMapOperations(t *testing.T, kubeclient clientset.Interface, namespace string) {}

func tokenRequestOperations(t *testing.T, kubeClient clientset.Interface, namespace, name string) {}

func scaleOperations(t *testing.T, kubeClient clientset.Interface, namespace, name string) {}

func expectNoError(t *testing.T, err error, msg string) {}

func admitFunc(review *v1beta1.AdmissionReview) error {}

func createMutationWebhook(client clientset.Interface, endpoint string) error {}

func createNamespace(t *testing.T, kubeclient clientset.Interface, namespace string) {}

func createServiceAccount(t *testing.T, cs clientset.Interface, namespace string) *apiv1.ServiceAccount {}

func createDeployment(t *testing.T, cs clientset.Interface, namespace string) *appsv1.Deployment {}