
var kindAllowList

const testNamespace

var allowMissingTestdataFixtures

// TestEtcdStoragePath tests to make sure that all objects are stored in an expected location in etcd.
// It will start failing when a new type is added to ensure that all future types are added to this test.
// It will also fail when a type gets moved to a different location. Be very careful in this situation because
// it essentially means that you will be break old clusters unless you create some migration path for the old data.
func TestEtcdStoragePath(t *testing.T) {}

var debug

func dumpEtcdKVOnFailure(t *testing.T, kvClient clientv3.KV) {}

func addGVKToEtcdBucket(cohabitatingResources map[string]map[schema.GroupVersionKind]empty, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, bucket string) {}

// getEtcdBucket assumes the last segment of the given etcd path is the name of the object.
// Thus it strips that segment to extract the object's storage "bucket" in etcd. We expect
// all objects that share the a bucket (cohabitating resources) to be stored as the same GVK.
func getEtcdBucket(path string) string {}

type metaObject

func (obj *metaObject) getGVK() schema.GroupVersionKind {}

func (obj *metaObject) isEmpty() bool {}

type empty

type cleanupData

func jsonToMetaObject(stub []byte) (*metaObject, error) {}

func keyStringer(i interface{}

type allClient

func (c *allClient) create(stub, ns string, mapping *meta.RESTMapping, all *[]cleanupData) error {}

func (c *allClient) cleanup(all *[]cleanupData) error {}

func (c *allClient) createPrerequisites(mapper meta.RESTMapper, ns string, prerequisites []Prerequisite, all *[]cleanupData) error {}

func getFromEtcd(keys clientv3.KV, path string) (*metaObject, error) {}

func diffMaps(a, b interface{}

func diffMapKeys(a, b interface{}