
// Test_ServiceLoadBalancerAllocateNodePorts tests that a Service with spec.allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts=false
// does not allocate node ports for the Service.
func Test_ServiceLoadBalancerDisableAllocateNodePorts(t *testing.T) {}

// Test_ServiceUpdateLoadBalancerAllocateNodePorts tests that a Service that is updated from ClusterIP to LoadBalancer
// with spec.allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts=false does not allocate node ports for the Service
func Test_ServiceUpdateLoadBalancerDisableAllocateNodePorts(t *testing.T) {}

// Test_ServiceLoadBalancerSwitchToDeallocatedNodePorts test that switching a Service
// to spec.allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts=false, does not de-allocate existing node ports.
func Test_ServiceLoadBalancerEnableThenDisableAllocatedNodePorts(t *testing.T) {}

// Test_ServiceLoadBalancerDisableAllocatedNodePort test that switching a Service
// to spec.allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts=false can de-allocate existing node ports.
func Test_ServiceLoadBalancerDisableAllocatedNodePort(t *testing.T) {}

// Test_ServiceLoadBalancerDisableAllocatedNodePorts test that switching a Service
// to spec.allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts=false can de-allocate one of existing node ports.
func Test_ServiceLoadBalancerDisableAllocatedNodePorts(t *testing.T) {}

// Test_ServiceLoadBalancerDisableAllocatedNodePortsByPatch test that switching a Service
// to spec.allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts=false with path can de-allocate one of existing node ports.
func Test_ServiceLoadBalancerDisableAllocatedNodePortsByPatch(t *testing.T) {}

// Test_ServiceLoadBalancerDisableThenEnableAllocatedNodePorts test that switching a Service
// to spec.allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts=true from false, allocate new node ports.
func Test_ServiceLoadBalancerDisableThenEnableAllocatedNodePorts(t *testing.T) {}

func serviceHasNodePorts(svc *corev1.Service) bool {}

// Test_ServiceLoadBalancerEnableLoadBalancerClass tests that when a LoadBalancer
// type of service has spec.LoadBalancerClass set, cloud provider should not create default load balancer.
func Test_ServiceLoadBalancerEnableLoadBalancerClass(t *testing.T) {}

// Test_SetLoadBalancerClassThenUpdateLoadBalancerClass tests that when a LoadBalancer
// type of service has spec.LoadBalancerClass set, it should be immutable as long as the service type
// is still LoadBalancer.
func Test_SetLoadBalancerClassThenUpdateLoadBalancerClass(t *testing.T) {}

// Test_UpdateLoadBalancerWithLoadBalancerClass tests that when a Load Balancer type of Service that
// is updated from non loadBalancerClass set to loadBalancerClass set, it should be not allowed.
func Test_UpdateLoadBalancerWithLoadBalancerClass(t *testing.T) {}

// Test_ServiceLoadBalancerMixedProtocolSetup tests that a LoadBalancer Service with different protocol values
// can be created.
func Test_ServiceLoadBalancerMixedProtocolSetup(t *testing.T) {}

func newServiceController(t *testing.T, client *clientset.Clientset) (*servicecontroller.Controller, *fakecloud.Cloud, informers.SharedInformerFactory) {}

// Test_ServiceLoadBalancerIPMode tests whether the cloud provider has correctly updated the ipMode field.
func Test_ServiceLoadBalancerIPMode(t *testing.T) {}