
type ShutdownFunc

// StartScheduler configures and starts a scheduler given a handle to the clientSet interface
// and event broadcaster. It returns the running scheduler and podInformer. Background goroutines
// will keep running until the context is canceled.
func StartScheduler(ctx context.Context, clientSet clientset.Interface, kubeConfig *restclient.Config, cfg *kubeschedulerconfig.KubeSchedulerConfiguration, outOfTreePluginRegistry frameworkruntime.Registry) (*scheduler.Scheduler, informers.SharedInformerFactory) {}

func CreateResourceClaimController(ctx context.Context, tb ktesting.TB, clientSet clientset.Interface, informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory) func() {}

// StartFakePVController is a simplified pv controller logic that sets PVC VolumeName and annotation for each PV binding.
// TODO(mborsz): Use a real PV controller here.
func StartFakePVController(ctx context.Context, clientSet clientset.Interface, informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory) {}

// CreateGCController creates a garbage controller and returns a run function
// for it. The informer factory needs to be started before invoking that
// function.
func CreateGCController(ctx context.Context, tb ktesting.TB, restConfig restclient.Config, informerSet informers.SharedInformerFactory) func() {}

// CreateNamespaceController creates a namespace controller and returns a run
// function for it. The informer factory needs to be started before invoking
// that function.
func CreateNamespaceController(ctx context.Context, tb ktesting.TB, restConfig restclient.Config, informerSet informers.SharedInformerFactory) func() {}

type TestContext

type RoundTripWrapper

type roundTripWrapper

func (r roundTripWrapper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {}

var _

// CleanupNodes cleans all nodes which were created during integration test
func CleanupNodes(cs clientset.Interface, t *testing.T) {}

// PodDeleted returns true if a pod is not found in the given namespace.
func PodDeleted(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// PodsCleanedUp returns true if all pods are deleted in the specific namespace.
func PodsCleanedUp(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, namespace string) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// SyncSchedulerInformerFactory starts informer and waits for caches to be synced
func SyncSchedulerInformerFactory(testCtx *TestContext) {}

// CleanupTest cleans related resources which were created during integration test
func CleanupTest(t *testing.T, testCtx *TestContext) {}

func RemovePodFinalizersInNamespace(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, t *testing.T, ns string) {}

// RemovePodFinalizers removes pod finalizers for the pods
func RemovePodFinalizers(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, t *testing.T, pods ...v1.Pod) {}

// CleanupPods deletes the given pods and waits for them to be actually deleted.
func CleanupPods(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, t *testing.T, pods []*v1.Pod) {}

// AddTaintToNode add taints to specific node
func AddTaintToNode(cs clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint v1.Taint) error {}

// RemoveTaintOffNode removes a specific taint from a node
func RemoveTaintOffNode(cs clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint v1.Taint) error {}

// WaitForNodeTaints waits for a node to have the target taints and returns
// an error if it does not have taints within the given timeout.
func WaitForNodeTaints(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node, taints []v1.Taint) error {}

// NodeTainted return a condition function that returns true if the given node contains
// the taints.
func NodeTainted(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taints []v1.Taint) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// NodeReadyStatus returns the status of first condition with type NodeReady.
// If none of the condition is of type NodeReady, returns an error.
func NodeReadyStatus(conditions []v1.NodeCondition) (v1.ConditionStatus, error) {}

// GetTolerationSeconds gets the period of time the toleration
func GetTolerationSeconds(tolerations []v1.Toleration) (int64, error) {}

// NodeCopyWithConditions duplicates the ode object with conditions
func NodeCopyWithConditions(node *v1.Node, conditions []v1.NodeCondition) *v1.Node {}

// UpdateNodeStatus updates the status of node.
func UpdateNodeStatus(cs clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node) error {}

// InitTestAPIServer initializes a test environment and creates an API server with default
// configuration.
// It registers cleanup functions to t.Cleanup(), they will be called when the test completes,
// no need to do this again.
func InitTestAPIServer(t *testing.T, nsPrefix string, admission admission.Interface) *TestContext {}

// WaitForSchedulerCacheCleanup waits for cleanup of scheduler's cache to complete
func WaitForSchedulerCacheCleanup(ctx context.Context, sched *scheduler.Scheduler, t *testing.T) {}

// InitTestScheduler initializes a test environment and creates a scheduler with default
// configuration.
func InitTestScheduler(
	t *testing.T,
	testCtx *TestContext,
) *TestContext {}

// InitTestSchedulerWithOptions initializes a test environment and creates a scheduler with default
// configuration and other options.
func InitTestSchedulerWithOptions(
	t *testing.T,
	testCtx *TestContext,
	resyncPeriod time.Duration,
	opts ...scheduler.Option,
) *TestContext {}

// WaitForPodToScheduleWithTimeout waits for a pod to get scheduled and returns
// an error if it does not scheduled within the given timeout.
func WaitForPodToScheduleWithTimeout(cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod, timeout time.Duration) error {}

// WaitForPodToSchedule waits for a pod to get scheduled and returns an error if
// it does not get scheduled within the timeout duration (30 seconds).
func WaitForPodToSchedule(cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod) error {}

// PodScheduled checks if the pod has been scheduled
func PodScheduled(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// InitDisruptionController initializes and runs a Disruption Controller to properly
// update PodDisuptionBudget objects.
func InitDisruptionController(t *testing.T, testCtx *TestContext) *disruption.DisruptionController {}

// InitTestSchedulerWithNS initializes a test environment and creates API server and scheduler with default
// configuration.
func InitTestSchedulerWithNS(t *testing.T, nsPrefix string, opts ...scheduler.Option) *TestContext {}

// InitTestDisablePreemption initializes a test environment and creates API server and scheduler with default
// configuration but with pod preemption disabled.
func InitTestDisablePreemption(t *testing.T, nsPrefix string) *TestContext {}

// WaitForReflection waits till the passFunc confirms that the object it expects
// to see is in the store. Used to observe reflected events.
func WaitForReflection(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, nodeLister corelisters.NodeLister, key string,
	passFunc func(n interface{}

func UpdateNode(cs clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, error) {}

func CreateNode(cs clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, error) {}

func createNodes(cs clientset.Interface, prefix string, wrapper *st.NodeWrapper, numNodes int) ([]*v1.Node, error) {}

// CreateAndWaitForNodesInCache calls createNodes(), and wait for the created
// nodes to be present in scheduler cache.
func CreateAndWaitForNodesInCache(testCtx *TestContext, prefix string, wrapper *st.NodeWrapper, numNodes int) ([]*v1.Node, error) {}

// WaitForNodesInCache ensures at least <nodeCount> nodes are present in scheduler cache
// within 30 seconds; otherwise returns false.
func WaitForNodesInCache(ctx context.Context, sched *scheduler.Scheduler, nodeCount int) error {}

type PausePodConfig

// InitPausePod initializes a pod API object from the given config. It is used
// mainly in pod creation process.
func InitPausePod(conf *PausePodConfig) *v1.Pod {}

// CreatePausePod creates a pod with "Pause" image and the given config and
// return its pointer and error status.
func CreatePausePod(cs clientset.Interface, p *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error) {}

// CreatePausePodWithResource creates a pod with "Pause" image and the given
// resources and returns its pointer and error status. The resource list can be
// nil.
func CreatePausePodWithResource(cs clientset.Interface, podName string,
	nsName string, res *v1.ResourceList) (*v1.Pod, error) {}

// CreatePVC creates a PersistentVolumeClaim with the given config and returns
// its pointer and error status.
func CreatePVC(cs clientset.Interface, pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) (*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, error) {}

// CreatePV creates a PersistentVolume with the given config and returns its
// pointer and error status.
func CreatePV(cs clientset.Interface, pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error) {}

// DeletePVC deletes the given PVC in the given namespace.
func DeletePVC(cs clientset.Interface, pvcName string, nsName string) error {}

// DeletePV deletes the given PV in the given namespace.
func DeletePV(cs clientset.Interface, pvName string) error {}

// RunPausePod creates a pod with "Pause" image and the given config and waits
// until it is scheduled. It returns its pointer and error status.
func RunPausePod(cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error) {}

type PodWithContainersConfig

// InitPodWithContainers initializes a pod API object from the given config. This is used primarily for generating
// pods with containers each having a specific image.
func InitPodWithContainers(cs clientset.Interface, conf *PodWithContainersConfig) *v1.Pod {}

// RunPodWithContainers creates a pod with given config and containers and waits
// until it is scheduled. It returns its pointer and error status.
func RunPodWithContainers(cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error) {}

// PodIsGettingEvicted returns true if the pod's deletion timestamp is set.
func PodIsGettingEvicted(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// PodScheduledIn returns true if a given pod is placed onto one of the expected nodes.
func PodScheduledIn(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string, nodeNames []string) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// PodUnschedulable returns a condition function that returns true if the given pod
// gets unschedulable status of reason 'Unschedulable'.
func PodUnschedulable(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// PodSchedulingError returns a condition function that returns true if the given pod
// gets unschedulable status for reasons other than "Unschedulable". The scheduler
// records such reasons in case of error.
func PodSchedulingError(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// PodSchedulingGated returns a condition function that returns true if the given pod
// gets unschedulable status of reason 'SchedulingGated'.
func PodSchedulingGated(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionWithContextFunc {}

// WaitForPodUnschedulableWithTimeout waits for a pod to fail scheduling and returns
// an error if it does not become unschedulable within the given timeout.
func WaitForPodUnschedulableWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod, timeout time.Duration) error {}

// WaitForPodUnschedulable waits for a pod to fail scheduling and returns
// an error if it does not become unschedulable within the timeout duration (30 seconds).
func WaitForPodUnschedulable(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod) error {}

// WaitForPodSchedulingGated waits for a pod to be in scheduling gated state
// and returns an error if it does not fall into this state within the given timeout.
func WaitForPodSchedulingGated(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod, timeout time.Duration) error {}

// WaitForPDBsStable waits for PDBs to have "CurrentHealthy" status equal to
// the expected values.
func WaitForPDBsStable(testCtx *TestContext, pdbs []*policy.PodDisruptionBudget, pdbPodNum []int32) error {}

// WaitCachedPodsStable waits until scheduler cache has the given pods.
func WaitCachedPodsStable(testCtx *TestContext, pods []*v1.Pod) error {}

// DeletePod deletes the given pod in the given namespace.
func DeletePod(cs clientset.Interface, podName string, nsName string) error {}

func GetPod(cs clientset.Interface, podName string, podNamespace string) (*v1.Pod, error) {}

func CreateNamespacesWithLabels(cs clientset.Interface, namespaces []string, labels map[string]string) error {}

// timeout returns a timeout error if the given `f` function doesn't
// complete within `d` duration; otherwise it returns nil.
func timeout(ctx context.Context, d time.Duration, f func()) error {}

// NextPodOrDie returns the next Pod in the scheduler queue.
// The operation needs to be completed within 5 seconds; otherwise the test gets aborted.
func NextPodOrDie(t *testing.T, testCtx *TestContext) *schedulerframework.QueuedPodInfo {}