
func fakePodWithVol(namespace string) *v1.Pod {}

func fakePodWithPVC(name, pvcName, namespace string) (*v1.Pod, *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) {}

var defaultTimerConfig

// Via integration test we can verify that if pod delete
// event is somehow missed by AttachDetach controller - it still
// gets cleaned up by Desired State of World populator.
func TestPodDeletionWithDswp(t *testing.T) {}

func initCSIObjects(stopCh <-chan struct{}

func TestPodUpdateWithWithADC(t *testing.T) {}

// wait for the podInformer to observe the pods. Call this function before
// running the RC manager to prevent the rc manager from creating new pods
// rather than adopting the existing ones.
func waitToObservePods(t *testing.T, podInformer cache.SharedIndexInformer, podNum int) {}

// wait for pods to be observed in desired state of world
func waitForPodsInDSWP(t *testing.T, dswp volumecache.DesiredStateOfWorld) {}

// wait for pods to be observed in desired state of world
func waitForPodFuncInDSWP(t *testing.T, dswp volumecache.DesiredStateOfWorld, checkTimeout time.Duration, failMessage string, podCount int) {}

func createAdClients(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, server *kubeapiservertesting.TestServer, syncPeriod time.Duration, timers attachdetach.TimerConfig) (*clientset.Clientset, attachdetach.AttachDetachController, *persistentvolume.PersistentVolumeController, clientgoinformers.SharedInformerFactory) {}

// Via integration test we can verify that if pod add
// event is somehow missed by AttachDetach controller - it still
// gets added by Desired State of World populator.
func TestPodAddedByDswp(t *testing.T) {}

func TestPVCBoundWithADC(t *testing.T) {}

// Create PV for PVC, pv controller will bind them together.
func createPVForPVC(t *testing.T, testClient *clientset.Clientset, pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) {}