
var dumpTree

var dumpJSON

var warn

type Test

// collect extracts test metadata from a file.
// If src is nil, it reads filename for the code, otherwise it
// uses src (which may be a string, byte[], or io.Reader).
func collect(filename string, src interface{}

// funcName converts a selectorExpr with two idents into a string,
// x.y -> "x.y"
func funcName(n ast.Expr) string {}

// isSprintf returns whether the given node is a call to fmt.Sprintf
func isSprintf(n ast.Expr) bool {}

type walker

func makeWalker(path string, fset *token.FileSet, tests *[]Test) *walker {}

// clone creates a new walker with the given string extending the path.
func (w *walker) clone(ext string) *walker {}

// firstArg attempts to statically determine the value of the first
// argument. It only handles strings, and converts any unknown values
// (fmt.Sprintf interpolations) into *.
func (w *walker) firstArg(n *ast.CallExpr) string {}

// describeName returns the first argument of a function if it's
// a Ginkgo-relevant function (Describe/SIGDescribe/Context),
// and the empty string otherwise.
func (w *walker) describeName(n *ast.CallExpr) string {}

// itName returns the first argument if it's a call to It(), else "".
func (w *walker) itName(n *ast.CallExpr) string {}

// Visit walks the AST, following Ginkgo context and collecting tests.
// See the documentation for ast.Walk for more details.
func (w *walker) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {}

type testList

// handlePath walks the filesystem recursively, collecting tests
// from files with paths *e2e*.go and *_test.go, ignoring third_party
// and staging directories.
func (t *testList) handlePath(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {}

func main() {}