
type AuditEvent

type AuditAnnotationsFilter

type MissingEventsReport

// String returns a human readable string representation of the report
func (m *MissingEventsReport) String() string {}

// CheckAuditLines searches the audit log for the expected audit lines.
func CheckAuditLines(stream io.Reader, expected []AuditEvent, version schema.GroupVersion) (missingReport *MissingEventsReport, err error) {}

// CheckAuditLinesFiltered searches the audit log for the expected audit lines, customAnnotationsFilter
// controls which audit annotations are added to AuditEvent.CustomAuditAnnotations.
// If the customAnnotationsFilter is nil, AuditEvent.CustomAuditAnnotations will be empty.
func CheckAuditLinesFiltered(stream io.Reader, expected []AuditEvent, version schema.GroupVersion, customAnnotationsFilter AuditAnnotationsFilter) (missingReport *MissingEventsReport, err error) {}

// testEventFromInternalFiltered takes an internal audit event and returns a test event, customAnnotationsFilter
// controls which audit annotations are added to AuditEvent.CustomAuditAnnotations.
// If the customAnnotationsFilter is nil, AuditEvent.CustomAuditAnnotations will be empty.
func testEventFromInternalFiltered(e *auditinternal.Event, customAnnotationsFilter AuditAnnotationsFilter) (AuditEvent, error) {}

type auditEvent

type auditEventTracker

// newAuditEventTracker creates a tracker that tracks whether expect events are found
func newAuditEventTracker(expected []AuditEvent) *auditEventTracker {}

// Mark marks the given event as found if it's expected
func (t *auditEventTracker) Mark(event AuditEvent) {}

// Missing reports events that are expected but not found
func (t *auditEventTracker) Missing() []AuditEvent {}