
type LogfFn

func LogReplicaSetsOfDeployment(deployment *apps.Deployment, allOldRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet, newRS *apps.ReplicaSet, logf LogfFn) {}

func LogPodsOfDeployment(c clientset.Interface, deployment *apps.Deployment, rsList []*apps.ReplicaSet, logf LogfFn) {}

// Waits for the deployment to complete.
// If during a rolling update (rolling == true), returns an error if the deployment's
// rolling update strategy (max unavailable or max surge) is broken at any times.
// It's not seen as a rolling update if shortly after a scaling event or the deployment is just created.
func waitForDeploymentCompleteMaybeCheckRolling(c clientset.Interface, d *apps.Deployment, rolling bool, logf LogfFn, pollInterval, pollTimeout time.Duration) error {}

func checkRollingUpdateStatus(c clientset.Interface, deployment *apps.Deployment, logf LogfFn) (string, error) {}

// GetAllReplicaSets returns the old and new replica sets targeted by the given Deployment. It gets PodList and ReplicaSetList from client interface.
// Note that the first set of old replica sets doesn't include the ones with no pods, and the second set of old replica sets include all old replica sets.
// The third returned value is the new replica set, and it may be nil if it doesn't exist yet.
func GetAllReplicaSets(deployment *apps.Deployment, c clientset.Interface) ([]*apps.ReplicaSet, []*apps.ReplicaSet, *apps.ReplicaSet, error) {}

// GetOldReplicaSets returns the old replica sets targeted by the given Deployment; get PodList and ReplicaSetList from client interface.
// Note that the first set of old replica sets doesn't include the ones with no pods, and the second set of old replica sets include all old replica sets.
func GetOldReplicaSets(deployment *apps.Deployment, c clientset.Interface) ([]*apps.ReplicaSet, []*apps.ReplicaSet, error) {}

// GetNewReplicaSet returns a replica set that matches the intent of the given deployment; get ReplicaSetList from client interface.
// Returns nil if the new replica set doesn't exist yet.
func GetNewReplicaSet(deployment *apps.Deployment, c clientset.Interface) (*apps.ReplicaSet, error) {}

// Waits for the deployment to complete, and check rolling update strategy isn't broken at any times.
// Rolling update strategy should not be broken during a rolling update.
func WaitForDeploymentCompleteAndCheckRolling(c clientset.Interface, d *apps.Deployment, logf LogfFn, pollInterval, pollTimeout time.Duration) error {}

// Waits for the deployment to complete, and don't check if rolling update strategy is broken.
// Rolling update strategy is used only during a rolling update, and can be violated in other situations,
// such as shortly after a scaling event or the deployment is just created.
func WaitForDeploymentComplete(c clientset.Interface, d *apps.Deployment, logf LogfFn, pollInterval, pollTimeout time.Duration) error {}

// WaitForDeploymentRevisionAndImage waits for the deployment's and its new RS's revision and container image to match the given revision and image.
// Note that deployment revision and its new RS revision should be updated shortly, so we only wait for 1 minute here to fail early.
func WaitForDeploymentRevisionAndImage(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName string, revision, image string, logf LogfFn, pollInterval, pollTimeout time.Duration) error {}

// CheckDeploymentRevisionAndImage checks if the input deployment's and its new replica set's revision and image are as expected.
func CheckDeploymentRevisionAndImage(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName, revision, image string) error {}

func checkRevisionAndImage(deployment *apps.Deployment, newRS *apps.ReplicaSet, revision, image string) error {}

func containsImage(containers []v1.Container, imageName string) bool {}

type UpdateDeploymentFunc

func UpdateDeploymentWithRetries(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string, applyUpdate UpdateDeploymentFunc, logf LogfFn, pollInterval, pollTimeout time.Duration) (*apps.Deployment, error) {}

func WaitForObservedDeployment(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName string, desiredGeneration int64) error {}

// WaitForDeploymentUpdatedReplicasGTE waits for given deployment to be observed by the controller and has at least a number of updatedReplicas
func WaitForDeploymentUpdatedReplicasGTE(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName string, minUpdatedReplicas int32, desiredGeneration int64, pollInterval, pollTimeout time.Duration) error {}

func WaitForDeploymentWithCondition(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName, reason string, condType apps.DeploymentConditionType, logf LogfFn, pollInterval, pollTimeout time.Duration) error {}