
type RegistryList

type Config

// SetRegistry sets an image registry in a Config struct
func (i *Config) SetRegistry(registry string) {}

// SetName sets an image name in a Config struct
func (i *Config) SetName(name string) {}

// SetVersion sets an image version in a Config struct
func (i *Config) SetVersion(version string) {}

func Init(repoList string) {}

func readRepoList(repoList string) (RegistryList, map[ImageID]Config, map[ImageID]Config) {}

// Essentially curl url | writer
func readFromURL(url string, writer io.Writer) error {}

var initRegistry

var (

type ImageID

const None

const Agnhost

const AgnhostPrivate

const APIServer

const AppArmorLoader

const AuthenticatedAlpine

const AuthenticatedWindowsNanoServer

const BusyBox

const DistrolessIptables

const Etcd

const Httpd

const HttpdNew

const InvalidRegistryImage

const IpcUtils

const JessieDnsutils

const Kitten

const Nautilus

const NFSProvisioner

const Nginx

const NginxNew

const NodePerfNpbEp

const NodePerfNpbIs

const NodePerfTfWideDeep

const Nonewprivs

const NonRoot

const Pause

const Perl

const Redis

const RegressionIssue74839

const ResourceConsumer

const VolumeNFSServer

const VolumeISCSIServer

func initImageConfigs(list RegistryList) (map[ImageID]Config, map[ImageID]Config) {}

// GetMappedImageConfigs returns the images if they were mapped to the provided
// image repository.
func GetMappedImageConfigs(originalImageConfigs map[ImageID]Config, repo string) map[ImageID]Config {}

var reCharSafe

var reDashes

// getRepositoryMappedConfig maps an existing image to the provided repo, generating a
// tag that is unique with the input config. The tag will contain the imageID, a hash of
// the image spec (to be unique) and shorten and make the pull spec "safe" so it will
// fit in the tag to allow a human to recognize the value. If imageID is None, then no
// imageID will be added to the tag.
func getRepositoryMappedConfig(imageID ImageID, config Config, repo string) Config {}

// GetOriginalImageConfigs returns the configuration before any mapping rules.
func GetOriginalImageConfigs() map[ImageID]Config {}

// GetImageConfigs returns the map of imageConfigs
func GetImageConfigs() map[ImageID]Config {}

// GetConfig returns the Config object for an image
func GetConfig(image ImageID) Config {}

// GetE2EImage returns the fully qualified URI to an image (including version)
func GetE2EImage(image ImageID) string {}

// GetE2EImage returns the fully qualified URI to an image (including version)
func (i *Config) GetE2EImage() string {}

// GetPauseImageName returns the pause image name with proper version
func GetPauseImageName() string {}

// ReplaceRegistryInImageURL replaces the registry in the image URL with a custom one based
// on the configured registries.
func ReplaceRegistryInImageURL(imageURL string) (string, error) {}

// replaceRegistryInImageURLWithList replaces the registry in the image URL with a custom one based
// on the given registry list.
func replaceRegistryInImageURLWithList(imageURL string, reg RegistryList) (string, error) {}