
type FailureError

func (f FailureError) Error() string {}

func (f FailureError) Backtrace() string {}

func (f FailureError) Is(target error) bool {}

var ErrFailure

func expect(tCtx TContext, actual interface{}

func expectNoError(tCtx TContext, err error, explain ...interface{}

func buildDescription(explain ...interface{}

// Eventually wraps [gomega.Eventually] such that a failure will be reported via
// TContext.Fatal.
// In contrast to [gomega.Eventually], the parameter is strongly typed. It must
// accept a TContext as first argument and return one value, the one which is
// then checked with the matcher.
// In contrast to direct usage of [gomega.Eventually], make additional
// assertions inside the callback is okay as long as they use the TContext that
// is passed in. For example, errors can be checked with ExpectNoError:
//	cb := func(func(tCtx ktesting.TContext) int {
//	    value, err := doSomething(...)
//	    tCtx.ExpectNoError(err, "something failed")
//	    assert(tCtx, 42, value, "the answer")
//	    return value
//	}
//	tCtx.Eventually(cb).Should(gomega.Equal(42), "should be the answer to everything")
// If there is no value, then an error can be returned:
//	cb := func(func(tCtx ktesting.TContext) error {
//	    err := doSomething(...)
//	    return err
//	}
//	tCtx.Eventually(cb).Should(gomega.Succeed(), "foobar should succeed")
// The default Gomega poll interval and timeout are used. Setting a specific
// timeout may be useful:
//	tCtx.Eventually(cb).Timeout(5 * time.Second).Should(gomega.Succeed(), "foobar should succeed")
// Canceling the context in the callback only affects code in the callback. The
// context passed to Eventually is not getting canceled. To abort polling
// immediately because the expected condition is known to not be reached
// anymore, use [gomega.StopTrying]:
//	cb := func(func(tCtx ktesting.TContext) int {
//	    value, err := doSomething(...)
//	    if errors.Is(err, SomeFinalErr) {
//	        // This message completely replaces the normal
//	        // failure message and thus should include all
//	        // relevant information.
//	        //
//	        // github.com/onsi/gomega/format is a good way
//	        // to format arbitrary data. It uses indention
//	        // and falls back to YAML for Kubernetes API
//	        // structs for readability.
//	        gomega.StopTrying("permanent failure, last value:\n%s", format.Object(value, 1 /* indent one level */)).
//	            Wrap(err).Now()
//	    }
//	    ktesting.ExpectNoError(tCtx, err, "something failed")
//	    return value
//	}
//	tCtx.Eventually(cb).Should(gomega.Equal(42), "should be the answer to everything")
// To poll again after some specific timeout, use [gomega.TryAgainAfter]. This is
// particularly useful in [Consistently] to ignore some intermittent error.
//	cb := func(func(tCtx ktesting.TContext) int {
//	    value, err := doSomething(...)
//	    var intermittentErr SomeIntermittentError
//	    if errors.As(err, &intermittentErr) {
//	        gomega.TryAgainAfter(intermittentErr.RetryPeriod).Wrap(err).Now()
//	    }
//	    ktesting.ExpectNoError(tCtx, err, "something failed")
//	    return value
//	 }
//	 tCtx.Eventually(cb).Should(gomega.Equal(42), "should be the answer to everything")
func Eventually[T any](tCtx TContext, cb func(TContext) T) gomega.AsyncAssertion {}

// Consistently wraps [gomega.Consistently] the same way as [Eventually] wraps
// [gomega.Eventually].
func Consistently[T any](tCtx TContext, cb func(TContext) T) gomega.AsyncAssertion {}