
var interruptCtx

var defaultProgressReporter

var defaultSignalChannel

const ginkgoSpecContextKey

type ginkgoReporter

func init() {}

type progressReporter

var _

func (p *progressReporter) setOutput(out io.Writer) io.Writer {}

// AttachProgressReporter implements Gomega's contextWithAttachProgressReporter.
func (p *progressReporter) AttachProgressReporter(reporter func() string) func() {}

func (p *progressReporter) detachProgressReporter(id int64) {}

func (p *progressReporter) run(ctx context.Context, progressSignalChannel chan os.Signal) {}

// dumpProgress is less useful than the Ginkgo progress report. We can't fix
// that we don't know which tests are currently running and instead have to
// rely on "go test -v" for that.
// But perhaps dumping goroutines and their callstacks is useful anyway?  TODO:
// look at how Ginkgo does it and replicate some of it.
func (p *progressReporter) dumpProgress() {}