
// WithStep creates a context where a prefix is added to all errors and log
// messages, similar to how errors are wrapped. This can be nested, leaving a
// trail of "bread crumbs" that help figure out where in a test some problem
// occurred or why some log output gets written:
//	ERROR: bake cake: set heat for baking: oven not found
// The string should describe the operation that is about to happen ("starting
// the controller", "list items") or what is being operated on ("HTTP server").
// Multiple different prefixes get concatenated with a colon.
func WithStep(tCtx TContext, what string) TContext {}

// Step is useful when the context with the step information is
// used more than once:
//	ktesting.Step(tCtx, "step 1", func(tCtx ktesting.TContext) {
//	 tCtx.Log(...)
//	    if (... ) {
//	       tCtx.Failf(...)
//	    }
//	)}
// Inside the callback, the tCtx variable is the one where the step
// has been added. This avoids the need to introduce multiple different
// context variables and risk of using the wrong one.
func Step(tCtx TContext, what string, cb func(tCtx TContext)) {}

type stepContext

func (sCtx *stepContext) Log(args ...any) {}

func (sCtx *stepContext) Logf(format string, args ...any) {}

func (sCtx *stepContext) Error(args ...any) {}

func (sCtx *stepContext) Errorf(format string, args ...any) {}

func (sCtx *stepContext) Fatal(args ...any) {}

func (sCtx *stepContext) Fatalf(format string, args ...any) {}

// Value intercepts a search for the special "GINKGO_SPEC_CONTEXT".
func (sCtx *stepContext) Value(key any) any {}

type stepReporter

var _

func (s *stepReporter) AttachProgressReporter(reporter func() string) func() {}