
const openIDWellKnownWebPath

const authWebPath

const tokenWebPath

const jwksWebPath

var ErrRefreshTokenExpired

var ErrBadClientID

type TestServer

// JwksHandler is getter of JSON Web Key Sets handler
func (ts *TestServer) JwksHandler() *handlers.MockJWKsHandler {}

// TokenHandler is getter of JWT token handler
func (ts *TestServer) TokenHandler() *handlers.MockTokenHandler {}

// URL returns the public URL of server
func (ts *TestServer) URL() string {}

// TokenURL returns the public URL of JWT token endpoint
func (ts *TestServer) TokenURL() (string, error) {}

// BuildAndRunTestServer configures OIDC TLS server and its routing
func BuildAndRunTestServer(t *testing.T, caPath, caKeyPath, issuerOverride string) *TestServer {}

func discoveryDocHandler(t *testing.T, writer http.ResponseWriter, httpServerURL, issuer string) {}

type JosePrivateKey

// TokenHandlerBehaviorReturningPredefinedJWT describes the scenario when signed JWT token is being created.
// This behavior should being applied to the MockTokenHandler.
func TokenHandlerBehaviorReturningPredefinedJWT[K JosePrivateKey](
	t *testing.T,
	privateKey K,
	claims map[string]interface{}

type JosePublicKey

// DefaultJwksHandlerBehavior describes the scenario when JSON Web Key Set token is being returned.
// This behavior should being applied to the MockJWKsHandler.
func DefaultJwksHandlerBehavior[K JosePublicKey](t *testing.T, verificationPublicKey K) func() jose.JSONWebKeySet {}

type JoseKey

func GetSignatureAlgorithm[K JoseKey](key K) jose.SignatureAlgorithm {}