
func DebugInfo(watches map[string][]string) map[string][]string {}

var bootTime

func GetSpec(cgroupPaths map[string]string, machineInfoFactory info.MachineInfoFactory, hasNetwork, hasFilesystem bool) (info.ContainerSpec, error) {}

func getSpecInternal(cgroupPaths map[string]string, machineInfoFactory info.MachineInfoFactory, hasNetwork, hasFilesystem, cgroup2UnifiedMode bool) (info.ContainerSpec, error) {}

func GetControllerPath(cgroupPaths map[string]string, controllerName string, cgroup2UnifiedMode bool) (string, bool) {}

func readString(dirpath string, file string) string {}

// Convert from [1-10000] to [2-262144]
func convertCPUWeightToCPULimit(weight uint64) (uint64, error) {}

func parseUint64String(strValue string) uint64 {}

func readUInt64(dirpath string, file string) uint64 {}

// Lists all directories under "path" and outputs the results as children of "parent".
func ListDirectories(dirpath string, parent string, recursive bool, output map[string]struct{}

func listDirectories(dirpath string, parent string, recursive bool, output map[string]struct{}

func MakeCgroupPaths(mountPoints map[string]string, name string) map[string]string {}

func CgroupExists(cgroupPaths map[string]string) bool {}

func ListContainers(name string, cgroupPaths map[string]string, listType container.ListType) ([]info.ContainerReference, error) {}

// AssignDeviceNamesToDiskStats assigns the Device field on the provided DiskIoStats by looking up
// the device major and minor identifiers in the provided device namer.
func AssignDeviceNamesToDiskStats(namer DeviceNamer, stats *info.DiskIoStats) {}

// assignDeviceNamesToPerDiskStats looks up device names for the provided stats, caching names
// if necessary.
func assignDeviceNamesToPerDiskStats(namer DeviceNamer, diskStats ...[]info.PerDiskStats) {}

type DeviceNamer

type MachineInfoNamer

func (n *MachineInfoNamer) DeviceName(major, minor uint64) (string, bool) {}

type deviceIdentifier

type deviceIdentifierMap

// Find locates the device name by device identifier out of from, caching the result as necessary.
func (m deviceIdentifierMap) Find(major, minor uint64, namer DeviceNamer) string {}

// RemoveNetMetrics is used to remove any network metrics from the given MetricSet.
// It returns the original set as is if remove is false, or if there are no metrics
// to remove.
func RemoveNetMetrics(metrics container.MetricSet, remove bool) container.MetricSet {}