
type InotifyWatcher

func NewInotifyWatcher() (*InotifyWatcher, error) {}

// Add a watch to the specified directory. Returns if the container was already being watched.
func (iw *InotifyWatcher) AddWatch(containerName, dir string) (bool, error) {}

// Remove watch from the specified directory. Returns if this was the last watch on the specified container.
func (iw *InotifyWatcher) RemoveWatch(containerName, dir string) (bool, error) {}

// Errors are returned on this channel.
func (iw *InotifyWatcher) Error() chan error {}

// Events are returned on this channel.
func (iw *InotifyWatcher) Event() chan *inotify.Event {}

// Closes the inotify watcher.
func (iw *InotifyWatcher) Close() error {}

// Returns a map of containers to the cgroup paths being watched.
func (iw *InotifyWatcher) GetWatches() map[string][]string {}

func mapToSlice(m map[string]bool) []string {}