
var referencedResetInterval

var smapsFilePathPattern

var clearRefsFilePathPattern

var referencedRegexp

type Handler

func NewHandler(cgroupManager cgroups.Manager, rootFs string, pid int, includedMetrics container.MetricSet) *Handler {}

// Get cgroup and networking stats of the specified container
func (h *Handler) GetStats() (*info.ContainerStats, error) {}

func parseUlimit(value string) (int64, error) {}

func processLimitsFile(fileData string) []info.UlimitSpec {}

// Any caller of processMaxOpenFileLimitLine must ensure that the name prefix is already removed from the limit line.
// with the "Max open files" prefix.
func processMaxOpenFileLimitLine(name, line string) (info.UlimitSpec, error) {}

func processRootProcUlimits(rootFs string, rootPid int) []info.UlimitSpec {}

func processStatsFromProcs(rootFs string, cgroupPath string, rootPid int) (info.ProcessStats, error) {}

func (h *Handler) schedulerStatsFromProcs() (info.CpuSchedstat, error) {}

// referencedBytesStat gets and clears referenced bytes
// see: https://github.com/brendangregg/wss#wsspl-referenced-page-flag
func referencedBytesStat(pids []int, cycles uint64, resetInterval uint64) (uint64, error) {}

func getReferencedKBytes(pids []int) (uint64, error) {}

func clearReferencedBytes(pids []int, cycles uint64, resetInterval uint64) error {}

func networkStatsFromProc(rootFs string, pid int) ([]info.InterfaceStats, error) {}

var ignoredDevicePrefixes

func isIgnoredDevice(ifName string) bool {}

func scanInterfaceStats(netStatsFile string) ([]info.InterfaceStats, error) {}

func setInterfaceStatValues(fields []string, pointers []*uint64) error {}

func tcpStatsFromProc(rootFs string, pid int, file string) (info.TcpStat, error) {}

func advancedTCPStatsFromProc(rootFs string, pid int, file1, file2 string) (info.TcpAdvancedStat, error) {}

func scanAdvancedTCPStats(advancedStats *info.TcpAdvancedStat, advancedTCPStatsFile string) error {}

func scanTCPStats(tcpStatsFile string) (info.TcpStat, error) {}

func udpStatsFromProc(rootFs string, pid int, file string) (info.UdpStat, error) {}

func scanUDPStats(r io.Reader) (info.UdpStat, error) {}

func (h *Handler) GetProcesses() ([]int, error) {}

// Convert libcontainer stats to info.ContainerStats.
func setCPUStats(s *cgroups.Stats, ret *info.ContainerStats, withPerCPU bool) {}

func setDiskIoStats(s *cgroups.Stats, ret *info.ContainerStats) {}

func setMemoryStats(s *cgroups.Stats, ret *info.ContainerStats) {}

func setCPUSetStats(s *cgroups.Stats, ret *info.ContainerStats) {}

func getNumaStats(memoryStats map[uint8]uint64) map[uint8]uint64 {}

func setMemoryNumaStats(s *cgroups.Stats, ret *info.ContainerStats) {}

func setHugepageStats(s *cgroups.Stats, ret *info.ContainerStats) {}

// read from pids path not cpu
func setThreadsStats(s *cgroups.Stats, ret *info.ContainerStats) {}

func newContainerStats(cgroupStats *cgroups.Stats, includedMetrics container.MetricSet) *info.ContainerStats {}