
// GetCgroupSubsystems returns information about the cgroup subsystems that are
// of interest as a map of cgroup controllers to their mount points.
// For example, "cpu" -> "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu".
// The incudeMetrics arguments specifies which metrics are requested,
// and is used to filter out some cgroups and their mounts. If nil,
// all supported cgroup subsystems are included.
// For cgroup v2, includedMetrics argument is unused, the only map key is ""
// (empty string), and the value is the unified cgroup mount point.
func GetCgroupSubsystems(includedMetrics container.MetricSet) (map[string]string, error) {}

func getCgroupSubsystemsHelper(allCgroups []cgroups.Mount, includedMetrics container.MetricSet) (map[string]string, error) {}

var supportedSubsystems

// Check if this cgroup subsystem/controller is of use.
func needSubsys(name string, metrics container.MetricSet) bool {}

func diskStatsCopy0(major, minor uint64) *info.PerDiskStats {}

type diskKey

func diskStatsCopy1(diskStat map[diskKey]*info.PerDiskStats) []info.PerDiskStats {}

func diskStatsCopy(blkioStats []cgroups.BlkioStatEntry) (stat []info.PerDiskStats) {}

func NewCgroupManager(name string, paths map[string]string) (cgroups.Manager, error) {}