
type rawContainerHandler

func isRootCgroup(name string) bool {}

func newRawContainerHandler(name string, cgroupSubsystems map[string]string, machineInfoFactory info.MachineInfoFactory, fsInfo fs.FsInfo, watcher *common.InotifyWatcher, rootFs string, includedMetrics container.MetricSet) (container.ContainerHandler, error) {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) ContainerReference() (info.ContainerReference, error) {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) GetRootNetworkDevices() ([]info.NetInfo, error) {}

// Nothing to start up.
func (h *rawContainerHandler) Start() {}

// Nothing to clean up.
func (h *rawContainerHandler) Cleanup() {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) GetSpec() (info.ContainerSpec, error) {}

func fsToFsStats(fs *fs.Fs) info.FsStats {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) getFsStats(stats *info.ContainerStats) error {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) GetStats() (*info.ContainerStats, error) {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) GetCgroupPath(resource string) (string, error) {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) GetContainerLabels() map[string]string {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) GetContainerIPAddress() string {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) ListContainers(listType container.ListType) ([]info.ContainerReference, error) {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) ListProcesses(listType container.ListType) ([]int, error) {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) Exists() bool {}

func (h *rawContainerHandler) Type() container.ContainerType {}

type fsNamer

func (n *fsNamer) DeviceName(major, minor uint64) (string, bool) {}